Ch. 5: You're my best friend in the world.

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BLR: This is my favorite chapter so I dedicate it to my best friend~

I hope you all enjoy it.


It had been one minute seven seconds since C.L. had gotten tired of holding the struggling Simmons and had let her sit down while he continued arguing details with Coulson. The Clairvoyant’s men had already left to wherever Coulson and Ward were. Simmons was alone with the man and for once his back was turned to her. She immediately got to work.

From the direction the conversation was taking, Coulson was going to get to keep a gun on him, but he and Ward would still be surrounded and outnumbered. They were in the Clairvoyant’s trap and whether they had guns or not wouldn’t make a difference.

Simmons’ hands were cuffed behind her back. She was mentally calculating the angle and force she would need to pop her wrist out of its socket. She’d seen May do it before. It couldn’t be too difficult.

Come on, I can do this. It’ll be a pinch and nothing more.

She couldn’t afford to hesitate. Coulson and Ward could be killed if they let themselves get captured. Fitz would certainly be killed too.

She’d failed to hear that Coulson and C.L. had come to an agreement.


C.L. cut the feed right as she slammed her wrist forward and wrenched it out of place, clenching her teeth to keep from yelping in pain. But C.L. heard it pop before she could get herself free.

He whipped his head around and she froze. “What was that!?” he barked.

She tried her very hardest not to smile. Skye said smiling made her look guiltier. “I was stretching my foot and it popped” she answered in a light voice. It looked like he didn’t buy it.

The door behind C.L. had been open the whole time; she wished she could run past C.L. and out the door.

Simmons was staring at the door for only a second when she glimpsed Fitz’s brown curls ducking out of site. She swallowed and immediately turned her attention to C.L.

“What do you intend to do with Coulson?” she asked. “I don’t believe you’re only going to ask some questions and let us go.”

“I’d worry about your own situation,” he replied. “The Clairvoyant will get his answers, even if he has to drag Coulson to him and what he does with Coulson afterward doesn’t matter. If he’s in a good mood you’ll be released. If not…” C.L. shrugged, “too bad. But maybe if you save the Clairvoyant some trouble and tell him what he wants to know, he’ll cut you lose.”

While C.L. had his attention turned away from the door, Fitz was creeping up behind him, scared to even breathe. Simmons kept her full attention on the man and pretended like Fitz wasn’t there.

“I already told you,” she answered fiercely,” I don’t know where GH325 came from. I don’t even know what it is and I’m sure Coulson doesn’t either.”

Fitz slowly raised the I.C.E.R. in his hands until it was pointed at the back of the man’s head. Simmons kept up her tirade. “You can torture Coulson and you still won’t get the answer you’re looking for because he doesn’t have them! And I promise you, if you hurt him or any of my friends I’ll be the first one coming after you.”

Fitz pulled the trigger.

The gun clicked loudly. Empty. C.L. turned around to see Fitz pointing the gun in utter disbelief. “Oh bloody-“

C.L. swung his fist and Fitz somehow ducked out of the way. It sent C.L. off balance which gave Fitz time to scramble to the side and check the gun’s chamber.

“Oh-what!? Jemma you forgot to load it!”

“Watch out!” she cried as C.L. charged him and tackled Fitz to the ground. He wrestled Fitz down and punched him in the face. Simmons tried to wrestle her cuffs free now that her wrist was out of place but her skin was catching on the metal. She felt stinging pain as the cuffs rubbed against her and blood trickled down her hand.

Fitz swung the gun up and hit C.L.’s head, knocking him to the side. He tried to crawl away but C.L. grabbed him by the throat.

“Fitz!” she screamed as Fitz tried to tear the man’s hands away. When that failed he punched at C.L. and the blows bounced off like the man was made of stone. Simmons yanked her cuffs off and wildly scanned the room for a weapon. Fitz saw her move out of the corner of his eye and with his remaining strength, threw the I.C.E.R. in her direction. She ran, grabbed it, and swung it into C.L.’s head.

There was a sharp crack and C.L. toppled to the side, unconscious. “I told you I’d come for you first,” she said breathlessly. Without wasting a second, she unlocked the cuffs with C.L.’s keys and snapped his wrists inside. Then she pushed the rest of him off of Fitz who was struggling to breathe. Once free of the weight he tried sitting up with Jemma’s help. Her face was wet. She hadn’t realized she’d started crying.

“Thanks for saving me,” he wheezed. She threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly to her. Fitz held her back, blinking against his own tears. Her body shook with a suppressed sob. For a second he forgot that he was in pain.

After a moment, Simmons pulled away. “Fitz, how could you do something like that!? Are you mad!? He could have killed you!” She wanted to sound furious but it was hard when her eyes were puffy and her voice was still trembling.

“It would have worked out as I’d planned if you’d remembered to load the gun.” He was still crying which made it hard for her to take his irritation seriously.

“I didn’t even know we were bringing the I.C.E.R., remember?”

“…Well. That’s beside the point. And it’s a Night-Night Gun.” She smiled and he returned it. Neither of them had realized how alone and helpless they had felt without the other.

Suddenly the Spy Band made a noise and Coulson’s voice came through. “Fitz! Are you there?”

“I’m here-“

“- and so am I!” Simmons finished. “We’re both alright Coulson! Don’t let them take your weapons away!”

A gun shot sounded the next second and the line went dead.

“Coulson?” Fitz asked.

“Come on Fitz! We’ve got to get out of here!”

Simmons wrapped an arm around his shoulders and helped him to his feet.

“I’m okay. I can walk on my own.” He grabbed her hand and gave her a determined look. “Let’s not get separated again, alright?”

She managed a smile. “Absolutely.”

Somewhere nearby an explosion went off and shook the building.

Site 63: A FitzSimmons FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora