Ch. 2: No science experiments please.

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"This is bad," murmured Simmons. "So very, very bad..."

The two were sitting leaned up against the wall. Simmons was biting her nails and Fitz was scanning the room again just to reassure himself they weren't being watched.

"It could be worse. Maybe they didn't expect us to come and trap ourselves here. I don't see a hint of a camera or listening device. At least they won't see what we're up to."

Simmons glanced at him. "What are you thinking? The watch? You said it wouldn't turn on."

"Yes I did," he held up a finger, "but I'm also the one who built it. I'll figure out how to get it on somehow."

"If you send a signal to Coulson, these guys will detect it."

Fitz nodded. "It'll have to be quick then."

They were both shaken by how horribly wrong their plan had gone. Despite the experiences they'd gone through, they were both new to the field. Getting threatened with guns was an everyday occurrence for May and Ward, not for FitzSimmons.

Fitz had started unscrewing the back of the spy band/watch to get to the wiring. He handed the back of it to Simmons and started the careful process of tapping into the system. Simmons didnât need to remind him to hurry. They knew the Clairvoyantâs men could return any second.

Sweat trickled down and his eyes narrowed in concentration. âIf I can just give it a little shockâ€Â¦Ã¢Â€Â he murmured.

“Careful,” Simmons muttered, used to Fitz nearly electrocuting himself.

He positioned two wires and as they tapped together a spark glinted off the  metal. The light on the watch face flickered on. Then Fitz was a whirl of motion. His fingers tapped the screen and the sides of the watch. “I have to break through their interference,” he said in a rush. Simmons held her breath as Fitz struggled with it. Suddenly the calling function popped up on the screen. “Yes!” he cried.

“Come on, come on,” Simmons chanted, hovering close to his shoulder. His hand flew over the touch screen, dialing Coulson’s cell. It rang once, managing to make the connection.

“Please answer Coulson,” Simmons whispered. It rang again. Then again.

“Hello?” a voice crackled to life.

“Yes! Coulson!” Simmons exclaimed at the same time Fitz’s shouted “We need some help!”

The door flew open and the Clairvoyant’s lackey appeared, turning his gun on them.

“What did you do?” he bellowed. The jwo jumped to their feet, Fitz simultaneously concealing the spy band under his jacket sleeve while Simmons shouted “What!? What do you want?”

The man stomped his way to her and pointed his gun in her face. His voice was cold as he replied, “I want to know why I picked up a transmission coming from this room.”

Neither Fitz nor Simmons moved a muscle. Simmons’ eyes were locked on the barrel of the gun. Then a beep came from Fitz’s watch, signaling his call had been cut off. The man yanked Fitz’s wrist up, exposing it.

“Another S.H.I.E.L.D. toy,” he growled and pulled it off.

“Fine, take it,” Fitz sputtered. “You have my armband, so stop pointing your gun at Simmons.”

The man slowly lowered the gun and tilted his head to the side. His fist flashed up and connected above Fitz’s eye, sending him toppling backwards.


The man stepped forward to punch him again but Simmons stepped in the way.

“You’ve got what you want,” she said in a calming voice. “The watch is all we have and now it’s yours.”

“Who did you call?” he snapped.

“Our team leader,” she answered quickly, her voice trembling. “He didn’t’ answer.”

The man’s eyes bore into her, searching for any hint of deception. Simmons held her ground unflinchingly.

“Alright,” he said tightly. “But you’ll have to prove that you’re not carrying anything more.” He pulled her forward by the arm.

“Get your hands off of her!” Fitz started up.

“Shut up and sit down!”

“Fitz, I’m alright,” Simmons assured him. “It’s fine.” She tried not to show how uncomfortable she was as he patted her down. When he was done he made Fitz stand and searched him even more thoroughly. The agent, finally satisfied, shoved Fitz away and retreated to the door. Before he left he turned and pointed at Fitz. “Try anything else and I’ll beat you to death in front of her.” He slammed the door.

Fitz leaned against the wall, suddenly feeling exhausted.

“Sit down Fitz. Let me take a look at your head.” He slid down with a groan.

Simmons settled next to him and lightly probed the injured spot. The space right above his eyebrow was bright red and getting darker.

“He didn’t break the skin,” Simmons noted with relief, all business. “Did you hit your head when you fell?”

“No,” he answered and winced when she pushed too hard.”

“Sorry,” she squeaked, the tension breaking through. “Do you feel light headed? Can you see clearly?”

“Just a little bit dizzy,” he answered and tried to manage a smile. It came out looking pained. “Anyway, it’s nothing Dr. Simmons can’t fix.”

She looked down. “Unfortunately, , my skills are useless without the prper tools. What I wouldn’t give for some ice to put on this…””

“And a nice drink to go with it,” Fitz said wistfully. Simmons managed a small laugh but it quickly died away.

“I’m sorry,” she murmured. Fitz’s smile faded. “If it weren’t for me, we wouldn’t even be here. I’m the one who wanted to come. I’m so sorry…”

“Stop it Jemma. This isn’t your fault.”

“Yes it is. And now you’re hurt and I-”

“If you really want to put the blame on someone, put it on me. I didn’t do a very good job of talking you out of it.”

 Simmons had been looking at the floor for the whole conversation but she finally met Fitz’s eyes. “Although,” he continued with a smile, “if you want to admit that it’s your fault we’ve been stuck in here and not the fault of my GPS…I won’t argue with you.”

Simmons finally made a real smile. After a moment she asked, “What do we do now?”

“Well, Coulson got the call. Maybe Skye was able to track it.”

“And if she did, it will take them a while to get here.”

“So for now…” Fitz began.

“”We wait,” she finished.

Neither of them said what they were both thinking: that if the team didn’t hurry, Fitz and Simmons would be seeing exactly what the Clairvoyant had planned for them. 

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