Site 63: A FitzSimmons Fanfiction

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BLR: When I found out the FitzSimmons audition scene involved the pair getting trapped in a room together, I wanted to see the scene so badly! But it was never put in the show.

This story started with that idea of Fitz and Simmons getting trapped somewhere together and having to find their way out.

And then the story got away from me . . .

PS: This story takes place between episode 15 (Yes Men) and 16 (End of the Beginning). There will be no spoilers for the episodes past 15.


“This is all your fault Fitz!” Jemma Simmons cried in exasperation. “You led us right into a trap!”

“As I recall, the GPS was the one leading us,” Fitz countered.

“Oh, definitely! Blame the GPS! Except for the fact that you were the one who invented that silly bracelet.”

“It’s not a bracelet, it’s an arm band that doubles as a watch!” Fitz shot back, flashing the new invention on his wrist – a portable computer, GPS locator and communications device, all in one and all in black. “And I thought you said you liked it.”

“I know you wanted to look like Ward, but it really looks more like something Skye would wear.”

“You’re just jealous Simmons. And you’re the one who got us into this mess, not me!”

“I wasn’t the one who programmed that -- that silly trinket. It was supposed to lead us to the Bio Lab, not to an empty room with an automatic locking door.”

“Oh, and who was the last one in the door? I believe that was you,” Fitz replied angrily. The two scientists hadn’t stopped arguing since they’d entered the small, box-like room. The door had locked behind them and the box was empty of anything that could help them get out.

In the middle of Fitz’s sentence Simmons exclaimed, “This is getting us nowhere!”

Fitz stopped and blew out a puff of air. “You’re right. We need to get out of here before the others notice we’re gone.”

“Coulson would be so furious,” Simmons muttered.

Fitz and Simmons had completely broken the rules. The team had decided to stop at a S.H.I.E.L.D. safe house so Coulson could exchange information with a fellow agent. Skye was going with him so he could keep an eye on her while May and Ward were checking up on a lead. Coulson had instructed FitzSimmons to stay on The Bus and relax for the day while the rest of the team was busy, which they would have been happy to do under normal circumstances. Coulson was unaware of how heavily they’d been researching the medicine GH325 which had saved Skye’s life. There were no records of its existence, at least not visibly. Fitz began looking into any records he could find of the Guest House and the doctors that had worked there. His search had led him to an abandoned S.H.I.E.L.D. research facility, codenamed Site 63. One of the doctors associated with the Guest House had worked there.

On a hunch, Fitz tried to learn more about this Site 63. It was supposedly a place for medical research yet its shipping records were full of suspicious entries like hazardous materials and shipments with unknown contents. The majority of these entries were logged during the doctor’s time there.

Now, after two years any trace of what was in those shipments was probably gone, but Simmons had grabbed onto the possibility that records may have been left behind. When Coulson got a call to a safe house located surprisingly near Site 63, Fitz and Simmons were presented with an opportunity for answers. If they went, they would be breaking their code by disobeying orders and lying to their team. But FitzSimmons had a second code to keep as scientists.

“If we hurry back, no one will ever know we left,” Simmons assured Fitz.

“This is a really bad idea,” Fitz shot back, but he still came along. When Simmons set her mind to something there was nothing he could do but go with her.

Now that they’d paused their argument, Simmons tried yanking on the door knob while Fitz fiddled with his invention he called “The Spy Band”.  “Something down here’s interfering with it,” he said while tapping its watch face-slash-touch screen. “It’s stopped working.”

Simmons stopped her struggles with the door and slowly turned around. “Please tell  me you’re joking.”

“No, see?” He held up his wrist and tapped at it. “The program’s not working. The reset button’s not even doing anything.”

“Fitz!” she shouted. “You promised it would work! You told me not to bring anything except a few test tubes! We didn’t even bring an I.C.E.R.!

“Yes, I said that. We don’t know what kind of scanners are still working here. The Spy Band has every capability that my phone has, except it’s completely undetectable. Hence the name.” He smiled. “No worries. I changed my mind about the Night-Night gun.” He opened his jacket to show a concealed pistol.

“The I.C.E.R.,” Simmons corrected with a roll of her eyes. “But what are we going to do? We have no way to contact the team; we didn’t even tell them our location.”

“Here, let me try the door.” He walked over, took out the I.C.E.R. and was about to hit it on the door handle.

“Don’t break it” Simmons warned.

“Simmons, it’s a gun. I think it’ll be fine.” He slammed it down on the knob.

The door burst open and rammed Fitz’s arm, knocking the gun from his hand. Two men in combat gear came through the door, pointing their guns at Fitz and Simmons. Fitz made for the I.C.E.R. but one of the men fired his gun in the air.

“Freeze where you are!” he bellowed. “Put both hands in the air!” FitzSimmons complied, their eyes flashing from each other to the armed men.

“We’re agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,” Simmons stuttered. “We thought this place was abandoned. So sorry for the intrusion-“

The man who’d shouted pointed his gun at Simmons and her words died off.

“The Clairvoyant knows why you’re here Jemma Simmons and Leopold Fitz. He’s impressed that you found this compound. Our men never would have thought to look here. You’ve been a big help but there’s still some things the Clairvoyant wants from you, so you’ll be staying here for a while.”

The second man went and picked the I.C.E.R. off the floor. Simmons noticed that Fitz had pushed down his sleeve to conceal his arm band. She quickly looked away.

“Sit tight and wait,” the man instructed with a twisted smile. “Try anything and you’ll wish you hadn’t,” he said in parting and slammed the door.

Site 63: A FitzSimmons FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now