Chapter Twenty-Three

Start from the beginning

"Just like that?" It seemed too simple. "It is over?"

"It is finished. For good."

"You...left...Dryden?" Olivia broke the news to Ellis on a frigid January day. Having sent a note to his home earlier this morning, the earl arrived with snow dusting his hair. Miss Fairfax appeared composed, her dark brow smooth, her countenance relaxed. Her fingers wrung the handkerchief in her hand and droplets of sweat matted her chemisette.

With a curt nod, she replied with, "Indeed, to a point. He has been granted his divorce and announced his intent to wed Miss Leitner. I wish to not entangle myself any longer in this tragic farce."

"That is best," he agreed. Ellis brushed the lingering snow from his hair, sending droplets onto the sofa. "But...why have you summoned me?" She looked him over, happy that he showed.

"You enjoy the law where many others find it tedious. If you are willing, I ask for your help in deciphering what I am due." She stood and walked to her writing desk. She opened the top drawer and removed a thick stack of papers. "The contract we signed. I know I shall keep the house if I so choose and all gifts and all in my account..."

"But Dryden is a fickle fool who promised you a settlement in the event of you choosing to end the arrangement AND if he has taken an additional lover." He crossed the room and took the contract from her. "I read it over when he had it drawn up, so I am familiar with it."

"Will you help me?" Olivia's gaze darted away from him. "I know you are good friends, but I do not know many trustworthy men."

"I do not agree with how Dryden handled any of this and I have let him know," he explained curtly. "We have not spoken in some weeks, I fear. What occurred over Twelfth Night has not entreated me to seek him out either."

"Oh...Ellis," she said sadly. "You have been friends for years!"

"Undoubtedly, we will be friends for many more...but not right now." Ellis' lips lifted into a smile. "I will be happy to help you, Miss Fairfax."

"Good. I will be pleased to put this behind me."

"Is it so easy?"

"Much easier than expected. But those feelings have long cooled," she admitted, fingers tapping against the desk. "And I am quite untutored in the ways of love, but surely someone who truly loved me would never behave in such a way?" Her voice caught on the end, thick with emotion.

Ellis cleared his throat. "No, Miss Fairfax, they would not."

She exhaled sharply, blinking her eyes. "Well, I must thank you, my lord. Forgive me, but I am not feeling well. Can we meet at a later time?"

"Of course. Just send a note and I will be here," promised the earl, sweeping into a deep bow.

Laughter escaped from her lips. "You are so gallant," she teased. "This matter is not pressing, so do not feel the need to rush over at a moment's notice."

"My days are not as busy since I have stopped taking mistresses. I have so much time to myself, I know not what to do."

"Box? Attend Trials? Attend one of your Society meetings?"

Ellis' answering grin stunned Olivia. His usual smiles were practiced tweaks of his mouth that sent women into faints. But this one lit up his face in a shockingly genuine fashion. "How do you know how I spend my days?"

"You speak as if we are not friends and do not see each other more often than we do would be silly if I did not know." Olivia closed the top drawer of her writing desk. "I will walk you out."

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