Chapter 11-captured

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Kira played with the half cracked shell in his hand while looking towards the crowd. He could faintly see the people who go first are now being attacked and they are all fighting. Given by the ruckus they caused, Kira know that they are all at least a cadet or even knight. If he were to fight them head-on, he would surely died.

'It's weird how they don't attack me though," Kira lamented in his mind.

He felt lucky that the most powerful one are busy doing something else, though he got no idea what is it. The leftover are just some weakling and he's sure he could beat them if only they didn't crowd him up.

Kira look at Baron Jon. "If you want it, then I will return it to you."

Kira throw the shell up to the air which as expected, won't reach the baron.

"It's mine!"

"Give it to me!"

"Noooo! I want it!"

The crowds are being vehemently chased the small shell without any regard to the baron. It may be because they are dumb or just naive, but most of the people here are chasing after the small shell.

'Sorry Harry about your shell," Kira apologize in his mind before leap out of the arena. He took a glance toward Hany who also jump out in different direction.

Both of them run to different direction, making use of the chaos to find ways to escape. No one pay attention to Hany, but it's different with Kira.

"Catch that boy!" a thunderous voice commanded. Kira look towards a certain direction and noticed a wounded knight pointing his sword towards him. With his body still has some trace of battle, he seems to look down upon Kira.

Kira clicked his tongue before side stepping to avoid collision. This knight is truly an idiot as Kira is not an ordinary fighter. He's one of the most talented squire in this kingdom and even against knight, he still able to exchange a few move. With his body still exude aura, Kira could easily bypassed the wounded knight.

But the loud voice of the knight had attracted quite a guard. Kira is now forced to face them one by one.


The sound of sword clash is reverberate through the whole courtyard with countless people trading blows. Kira couldn't escape anymore and with numbers, they easily cornered him. Since things had grown to this stage, Kira could only surrender and hope for Hany to come with reinforcement.

"Sir Hugo!"

A loud and excited voice could be heard there. Kira look toward the one being called and his eyes narrowed slightly. He could faintly feel that the newly come knight is far stronger than any of the knight there. If he were to fight Hugo, he's sure that he wont last more than a few minutes without any change to run.

"What happened?"

"Sir! An advance technique is found by outsider from our lord shell and he show it in front of the crowd. Now, they are all fighting for it."

"Where is the baron?"

"Er... he's also fighting..."

Hugo shook his head and advance to the crowd. Now that the gate has opened, many people had already running away. Kira could only faintly see and now he hoped for Hany to manage to get out from this place.

The servant brought him to a dungeon and there he found many other people are being held. He originally didn't want to bother with them, but then he found a familiar face among the prisoner there.

"Harry! Fae!"

The wounded Harry could only lift his head and he grinned when he see Kira face. "It seems you have successfully create a ruckus."

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