Chapter 16-incident part 1

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"Time sure flies," Hany commented while looking at the snow outside Fae's room. It has been two months since Harry promotion and it is already December. Right now, Harry is out there doing mission so Hany could only rant at her place.

Fae didn't bother with Hany since she is busy writing report of her last research. With this one research, she would gain qualification to take the examination for intermediate researcher.

"After a few months you already want to promote your rank?" Hany ask in surprise.

Fae nodded. A different in rank is quite huge for researcher and the higher the rank is, the more valuable things she could research on. With her capabilities, it shouldn't be hard to advance.

Hany look at the time. "Then I guess I will call that Brat Kira and watch your test. Wait, could we watch it?"

This time Fae shake her head. "Only the beginner researcher test are open to public, once you're rising on the rank, only those with the same occupation could watch the test."


Hany then decide to just cheer for Fae from outside. She return back to the training hall to train alongside Kira. Her training is a bit different than the usual training since she couldn't catch up with most training of the boys.

Fae finished her report before going to the researcher hall and apply for intermediate researcher examination. The test are actually quite simple because she only need to complete the research of an item in low iron grade after knowledge test as usual. The different from the beginner researcher test is she didn't have to complete the research and only make initial impression. In a few hours, she had already finished and receive her badge.

"That's easy," thought Fae in her heart before going to the field.

Hany is getting trashed again by Kira in a spar and Fae arrived at the moment Hany lose. The girl look a bit dejected, but she decide to continue working hard while Kira just scoffed and train on his own.

Fae choose a spot to sit and watch them for some time. Not long after that the training is over and Hany come to her excitedly.

"How's the test?"

"I passed."

"Congratulation! Let's eat, I will pay."

Fae laughed and Kira too congratulate her. Kira is a bit different from two months ago because he keep on challenging himself for a harsher training. He doesn't want to lose anymore.

When they eat, Hany told her many things that had happened.

"Oh yeah, tomorrow there's a magician coming here. The teacher says that he's going to be our partner for training."

"That's going to be interesting," Fae eyed Hany for a moment before commented.

"Why?" Hany ask in surprise. "It wouldn't be fun at all to be beaten up by magic. If by sword is already annoying enough, what would it made for magic?"

"What is his rank?"

"He is a magician apprentice," Kira answered. "His strength is not one you could easily contend with."

"What about you, Bratty Kira?"

Kira smile. "I will beat him of course."

The two argued for some time before they returned to their own room. Fae too returned while thinking about the one who will come. She wonder what their reaction be when they realize 'that'?

The next day Hany dragged Fae to watch the magician and she partially sleeping on the stand while waiting. There are many other people there and Fae barely able to see the field from where she sits.

Light Princess: The ProphecyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant