Chapter 7-scolding

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When the four of them are heading downtown, many students starts to talk about them. They had never see Kira being so amiable and not many people would want to talk with him normally. Now that they see such a scene, it truly make them speechless.

"Am I seeing things?"

"You're not the only one."

The 4 main character didn't pay attention though, they are busy talking with Kira as the journey will take some time. Kira just told them about some of his experience back then and about what he usually do in his free time.

"The training is truly that harsh?" Hany voice are tinged with disbelief. With how Kira usually acted, she could not imagine him as a hard-working person.

Kira rolled his eyes. "Of course it is. Do you think our reputation over the years are all but lie?"

Hany stick out her tongue and instantly make Kira feeling rage again. He couldn't stand these weak people being so disrespectful towards him. If other people were to know his thought, they would surely beat him up for his way of talking that are equally disrespectful.

Harry sighed. Somehow, he feels that this small party are going to be even more lively in the future with two troublemaker like them.

Fae would surely agree should she know his thought. However, the current her are now looking towards a certain direction with interest.

"What is it, Fae?" Hany ask curiously. Anything that could make Fae gets interested are surely something extraordinary.

"There's fluctuation of a magic weapon there," answered Fae.

"Magic weapon? How could you know that without magic?" Kira ask in surprise. "Ah, I forgot that you're a researcher."

"Let's take a look."

Harry took the lead and the four of them arrived at the City Square. There are a lot of people there, but Fae eyes locked into a certain person who walk calmly and by his side is a sword. Without careful attention, no one would notice that the sword are actually a magic weapon.

Kira stare in daze for a moment. "It's Imperial Knight Second Squad Vice Leader Tomas. What is he doing in here?"

"You know him? And why is his name so long?"

"All of the Imperial Young Elites would know him. He is one of the top knight among Imperial Knight. His name is Tomas, it's just he got a lot of title..."

Fae look towards Tomas for a moment before turning back. She also recognize him, but she can't meet him yet. The others also follows her, except Kira who stride to the knight side.

When Harry see it, he's sure that trouble will arise.

"Excuse me, are you sir Tomas?" Kira ask politely.

Tomas stopped in his stride and look at Kira with wonder. He recognize the uniform as squire uniform, but he wouldn't have thought that anyone here can recognize him.

"And you are?"

"My name is Kira, I'm a new squire at the Imperial Young Elites second squad. It's an honor to meet you sir! If it's possible, I want to ask for a guidance."

"Young Elites, eh? You better go back and train. The world outside is not something a kid like you could intrude."

"Sir?" Kira face bore confusion.

Tomas shake his head. "An arrogant brat like you didn't have the real power here. You think you could easily ask help from another knight outside the academy? They would not be so kind to offer guidance for a stranger. You better return and train diligently under your teacher, don't waste time out here."

With that Tomas didn't spare any more time for Kira and walk away, leaving Kira still stood up in his place. Kira could feel his blood boils because of what Tomas said, but he found it hard to accept. Why is he treated so coldly here when the other party treat him well within academy?

"What a harsh rebuke," commented Hany.

"He's only saying the truth. If it's other people, Kira may not be as lucky as today and leave unscathed," Harry shake his head. He partially release a relieved sigh because Kira didn't create more trouble than he think he would.


"The knight didn't wear the knight attire today, so it usually means two things, either he's on vacation or on a veiled mission. If it's just vacation, it's alright as you would only incur the other party wrath, but if it's a veiled mission, your greeting might cause his identity to be uncovered."

Hany now stand stunned and realize just how true her brother words are. They're not in the academy and there are many dangers int the world. To just speak carelessly can even grant a person early death. Between a knight and a squire, it's clear that they wouldn't pursue the knight even if he choose to silenced Kira.

On the side Fae watch without saying anything. At least Kira had finally learned something. The environment inside academy are too peaceful with slight competition and the level of the missions are truly low. Without experiencing such a harsh rebuke it is certain that Kira wouldn't even realize his wrong.

If someone asked, Fae wouldn't want to admit that she created this scenario specially for Kira. She had seen that brat *cough* action over the past 2 weeks and finally an opportunity to waken him had arrived. Now she wonder whether Kira would change or not.

Kira eventually manage to calm himself down and walk towards the other kids. He look solemn, but a certain airhead couldn't read the situation better.

"Well, how is it feel to be rebuked in the public place?" Hany smile cunningly.

"YOU!" Kira bellowed.


"Don't make a ruckus here. The one you caused is already enough," Harry firmly hold Kira hand. Their strength is about equal so it took him almost everything to hold Kira back.

Kira look around and he notice some students there, either they are squire or even at lower rank. He's sure that the news would be transmitted back to the academy and somehow he feel his rage welled up again. He understood his wrong, but this way of conveying it is truly a harsh way for him, a proud genius.

Kira want to beat them all up, but he know that he would make a bigger scene and possibly getting punished heavily. Trying to hold himself back is truly hard as the blow he received today is very big. His breathing hastened, but he still hold it back.

Fae put her hand on Hany shoulder to prevent her from adding more fuel to the fire. If Kira were to lose control, Hany would surely become his target and being the way she is, it is certain that she will get hurt. Harry wouldn't be able to stop Kira as his strength is not that different and the amount of strength needed to strike and protect are very different.

Hany noticed Fae hand and decide to shut her mouth. She's sure, Kira has been totally enraged today and it already satisfied her.

"Calm yourself," Harry said softly.

Kira stare back and only after a while did he come to accept his faults. He always act arrogant, but he never actually overstep the boundaries until he come here and compared himself with the weaker students of the academy. It makes him forgot about the true meaning of becoming a knight.

"Thank you... I'm fine now," Kira forced a smile. He's sure that his name will be in tatters when he return, but that's no longer important. It's time for him to go back on a training spree and grow stronger.

Noticing the determined gaze in Kira eyes, Harry speak out. "Do you still want to go or you want to return back and start training?"

"I will follow you first, there's no point in doing something halfway and I want to see it first. A difference in a few minutes like this won't change much. I'm not in that much of a hurry after all," Kira answered.

Harry nodded and the group of four continue their interrupted short journey to the small store without knowing how much this small incident would actually affect their path forward.

-End of chapter 7

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