Exams and Love Tests

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"You'll do great." Carolyn said. They leaned in for a kiss. They would've stayed that way longer, but they both knew they had a test to take.

Inside they were put in specific seats by last name. Andy got the third seat in the front row. Carolyn's last name was Coma, so she was only a few seats away.

While they waited for their teacher to get there with the tests, Andy tapped his fingers on the desk. Behind him he heard some girls gossiping.

"I mean really, why is she dating him? She does realize she could've gone out with Brandon, right?" one of the girls said.

What?, Andy thought. He payed more attention to their conversation but kept his eyes on his desk.

"Why did she turn him down anyway? What's so great about emo boy?" another girl said.

"I bet I know why she's dating him." a third girl said. "Pity."

Andy's eyes widened at that word. Carolyn wouldn't do that, would she?... She said she loved me. And she meant it, right? Andy would've thought some more about that but then a test booklet dropped in front of him. He would have to worry about this later.


It was finally lunch. Andy had gotten through most of his test so now he only needed a little bit more to go. He pretended like nothing was wrong during lunch, even though that word was eating him on the inside.

After he and Carolyn had finished their lunch, they went outside to the big fields for some alone time. The others did too. Andy and Carolyn were sitting under a shady tree. From farther away, he could see the popular kids staring at them.

"Andy, what's wrong?" Carolyn put a hand on his shoulder. "You look bothered by something."

"I am." he admitted and ran a hand through his hair. Then finally got his words out. "Why didn't you tell me that you could've gone out with Brandon, aka most popular guy at this school."

"Well I didn't think it mattered." she said. "Besides, that was a whole month ago."

"But why didn't you say yes?" he pressed.

"Because at that time I had realized my feelings for you. And I didn't want any other guy besides you." she said.

Andy relaxed a bit. "So you're not dating me out of pity?"

Her eyes widened and she burst out laughing. "Where did you get that ridiculous idea from?" she asked.

"I heard some girls talking about it. And my doubts got the better of me and thought it was true. Around here, I'm known as the 'emo freak'. So that got me thinking why you would want to go out with me."

"I'm not dating you out of pity. I'm dating you because I love you." she said. "Besides your looks, you're an amazing, sweet, funny guy. You've helped me multiple times, and you've shown me that I'm not the only one who deals with things like this." There it was, right in her eyes. Nothing by complete sincerity. Andy believed her.

"Okay. I'm glad for that." he said.

"Now.. why exactly do you love me? I'm not exactly the hottest girl in school here." she said.

Andy took hold of her hands. "Hey, don't say that about yourself. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever met. You're sweet, kind, caring, and the first girl to not get grossed out when Copper licks them."

Carolyn laughed. "And not to mention you have the most adorable laugh ever." Andy pointed out.

She hit him lightly. "Oh shut up!" she was blushing.

"And you're blush is adorable." he kissed her cheek. Then an idea crept into his head. "I wonder if you're ticklish..."

Her eyes widened. "You wouldn't dare..."

Andy grinned. "I think we both know that I would." he leaned over and tickled her sides. She started laughing hard.

"Stop.. it!" she said in between laughs.

"What's the magic word?" Andy asked with a grin on his face.

"I don't know!" she continued laughing. She was able to get her hands onto his stomach and tickled him back.

Now, only his parents knew this, but he was ticklish EVERYWHERE. His stomach, neck, the backside of his knees, you name it. He burst into hysterical laughter and almost fell on top of Carolyn, but she rolled him over.

"Stop it!" he laughed.

"I don't think I will." she said with a triumph smile.

"What will make you stop?" Andy asked. Then laughed harder.

"Hm... Say that I'm the Supreme Ruler of Tickling!" Carolyn grinned.


"Then I won't stop!" she continued tickling.

"F-fine! You're the Supreme R-Ruler of Tickling!" and that stopped her. Andy tried to catch his breath.

"Now was that so hard?" Carolyn laughed. Andy responded by nudging her shoulder.

From farther away, he could hear the popular kids. He turned and saw them looking at them. "They're staring at us." Carolyn said.

Andy smirked. "Then lets give them something to stare at." he said and kissed her.


So I hope you guys liked this chapter. :D Picture of Andy's Mortician's Daughter Tattoo on the right. Comment, vote, and fan me. :D 5 votes and 5 comments for the next chapter.

-Zaira <3

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