"I followed him,i am so surprise seeing the decoration of the place,amazing flowers,my favorite colour pink,and some beautiful light,with a table decorated and three glass cups with a drink bottle on the table,wow,it is beautiful, and a words on the top of the flower saying will you marry me?I was shock, and I turn looking at him."

"He is so happy ,he love me thought but I can't pretend to love him he already knew that I love someone,but he keep on suffering himself,and after that he has a girlfriend, but he is still following me."

"I twisted my lips in a half smile,thank you imran for all this,but I am sorry my answer will always be the same,I love someone else and you already knew that, please I don't want to hurt you,I love him I can't love anyone else."

"My words hurt him because I can see it in his eyes."

"So you want to tell me you s love this stupid footballer?"

"Imran he is not stupid,don't ever call him stupid."

What will you do if I call him with any foolish name?he is more than a stupid,how can you love a man that will never be yours,or is it because he is richer than me,because he is rich that's why you love him?"

"Imran stop it,don't call him with Any name,he is the one I love, it doesn't concern you if I love him for his rich or anything,I love him,I will continue to love him."

"He started to move closer to me ,I don't know what he is trying to do."
"and in a anger tone he break all the cups on the table saying ,what did that footballer has that I didn't have it,looking into my eyes, his hand was bleeding,oh my god! I am angry with him but he hurt himself I can't bear to see him like this,I just regret accepting his request to show me something."

"Imran please your bleeding,let's stop this conversation."

No,you have to tell me what he has that I didn't have?

Please imran,your bleeding,.

"I don't care he said that breaking another glass."

"Oh my god! Seeing how he is reacting made me to start crying."

"He look at me trying to come closer to me,and I started to move back."

"You love a man that will never be yours,it shows me that you are too greedy,he is a womanizer, he will turn you into a slave that has no value,stop dreaming,wake up from your dream,because I will be the one to marry you,you will be mine,only mine,not a stupid rubbish footballer."

"I was so hurt,he has the audacity to tell me I am greedy,why can't everyone understand that I love only him, I don't know how I end up falling for him,I cried looking at imran that was busy telling me painfull words,I can't stand to hold it,I left there running and crying. I heard him calling my name but he already made a mistake,I won't forgive him."


"I went home crying ,I went directly to my room,lying on my bed and continued to cry,when suddenly lee came in."

"Seemah ,why happen why are you crying ?"

"Its imran,he abused my dream lover."

"Who?Leena asked pretending like she didn't knew who is seemah dream lover."

"I continue to cried turning my back on her,she come closer to me and huge me, its ok,sorry now tell me what happen."

Imran abuse my dream lover ,saying he is a womanizer, and that he will treat me like a slave,he said I am greedy,I cried
Telling her everything what happen , she was shock too,but she already knew this will happen."
how can he even say this words to you,is he out of his sense,just forget about his words seemah,stop crying ok."

"She wipe my tears."

"She pacified me and I went to sleep,she is just like mom,whenever I am in pain ,she hold me,I can't live without my sister."


"I am so happy,Abbu is back,we really Misses him."

"Welcome Abbu."

His two beautiful daughters welcome him,with a smile.

"Seemah,Leena,I hope everything is fine?"

"Yes Abbu.we are happy you are back,we Misses you a lot dad." We both hug our dad."

After Abbu fresh up,he sat with his two daughter while ammi is busy in the room trying to tidy their room.

Abbu smiled looking at his two daughter, masha Allah,he notice seemah that was busy playing with her fingers.
He knew she wanted to say something.

"Seemah what happen do u need something?"

"I smiled and look at him,Abbu you promise us that we are going to london this august."

"Insha Allah, I will fulfilled the promise, just start the preparation."

I was so excited, "thank you Abbu. "

Leena look at me ,giving me a suspicious look,"

dad why London,I don't want to go to london."leena said.

"Why dear?"but it seems seemah want to go,and I don't want her to go alone,since she is going to do a project their,you should go with her too to completed yours."

"Ok.Leena said."

"Leena glare at me again,she already knew what my intention is."


"I can't explain how happy I am today,finally my waiting will be over, a new chapter of my life will be open,my journey start now,I will meet him,I will search every corner in london just to see him,no matter what it takes,I will surely meet him insha Allah." tears rolled toward her cheeks.

Do you think seemah will meet her dream lover?

Do you think it will be love or rejection ?

What if destiny play it roles,what will he ask for?

Will her dream be fulfilled?

Keep reading and find out how destiny will play it roles.

LOVE IN RETURN (Editing)✅Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat