Chapter Thirty - Bellatrix, Hermione and Fiendfyre

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Hermione POV:

Since the day Neville had told me about the Game of Ties, I had been spending a lot of time with Draco just talking and cuddling. There was nothing wrong of course, I realized that just when I felt like I was beginning to know this complex soul a little more, he sprung something new on me.

Something else had also lingered in my head. He was the Slytherin King. I had always heard him referred to in that way. I just never knew where it originated from. After all, I was the Gryffindor Princess. A name I had been given by other students and I swear it was for a completely different reason. But the fact still remained. He was THE Slytherin King. He managed to seduce thirteen girls in ONE day. He could have any girl in the entire school if he wanted. And even a fair few guys. But he chose me. And I him. 

I smiled at the thought. I sat down at my desk as Madame Hooch entered the class room and began writing on the board. I was very anxious because today was the day we got our mid-year results back and this was the subject I was most nervous to receive markings for. It was a week before Valentine's.

I stiffened in my chair as I certain cologne wafted towards my nose. 

"Hey gorgeous stranger. Mind if I sit here?" he asked taking a seat.

Draco and I never really sat together in classes because we felt it was important that we maintain a bit of normality in our lives and that we don't spend every waking moment together to reduce chances of insanity.

"Um, sure. Don't let my boyfriend see you though. He may just hex you while you sleep." I played along.

He laughed. "I'd never hex someone in their sleep. I'd like to see the lights leave their eyes." he said roughly. He covered his remark with a smirk but something told me he was more than half serious.

I didn't know whether to be flattered or worried. I'll admit, I was definitely more flattered. As scary and dangerous as Draco may be sometimes, he was a good person at heart and he would never hurt anyone who was undeserving of it. Yes, he was capable of doing seriously gruesome things and in his head the way he saw it, as he had specified many times to me: 'If you fuck with me or mine, I'll fuck you right back...ten fold'. I was surprised at how okay I was with that. 

He also had quite an eager interest in the Dark Arts but I knew he didn't wish for any kind of world domination or weird stuff like that. He also wasn't into immortality or extending his life in any sort of magical way like Voldermort was. I was glad to learn that. One horcrux hunt was enough for me in my lifetime. I think it was just the uncanny eeriness, peculiarity and mysteriousness that drew him in. As it did to almost everyone who took an interest in such things. 

I found from time to time, I'd also ask him questions about things we were forbidden to learn in school and nine times out of ten, he was able to answer me. It was weirdly interesting sometimes but I guess for me it was just the allure of an undiscovered territory.

"Miss Granger, perfect theory. Your practical however needs improvement." Madame Hooch set my exam papers in front of me. "As you need these marks in order to sit your end of year exams, I will be running a reassessment exam for all those who didn't quite reach the required mark. Both theory and practical." She announced to the class. "Resits will be at the end of the week."

"Argh." I grunted as I shoved the papers in my bag. "I knew that stupid boggart would get me." I said in a huff.

"Love," Draco called gripping my hand. His serpent ring on his ring finger felt cool against my skin. "What parts of the practical did you find difficult?"

"Well done Mr Malfoy." Madame Hooch said congratulating him and handing over his papers. Top marks. She moved on. He shoved his papers aside without once looking at them and turned to me waiting for an answer.

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