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it's a .5 because it's the background story ig? (Also means slur and - means stutter
I feel like I have been reborned. I was on a cloud of happy while sitting next to my friend on the 'sketchier' side of town, Diego Fernandez. He always brought me whiskey and drugs. Tonight he brought so many that I felt separated from myself.
"More." I said over and over. I had to be past a 100 by now.
"Mel you should calm down on the alcohol." He reminded me.
"You b~brought it! Let's put it to g~good use!"
"M~More god damn it!" He kept shaking his head. Why was he doing that. 
"I just want to be out out of my misery!" 
"What are you talking about now?" 
"Him! God damn it, it's him! It would've been our 5 month anniversary today if everything wasn't so messed up!"
"You always talk crazy when you're drunk." I got mad at that. How was I talking crazy. 
"Y~you wanna see crazy!? I'll give you crazy!" I threw the whole glass bottle across the room and at the door. 
"I'm going home." I huffed and stood up.
"No way in hell are you driving home like that!"
"Watch me!" I ran out of the room before he could even stand up. I was dizzy of course, but I was giggling like mad. It was cute anyway when he got worried like this over me. He always calls me billions of times and it gets so funny! I run down the halls and out of the house while he is screaming my name. When he gets out of the house I'm in the car. Diego runs to the car and tries to open it. I giggle.
"Too late! I may be drunk, but I know how to lock a car." 
"Melanie please, at least let me drive you home." He looked at me with pleading eyes. I almost gave in-
"Mhm. Call you when I get home!" I drove off laughing real hard. I could see from the mirror he was already pulling out his phone. In the end I did make it home safe. I checked my phone and saw that it was 3:45am. I slammed the car door shut then heard a scream. I turned around. 
"What the hell are you doing?!" There he was. The man that shut me down more than my enemy. Some people think I'm being dramatic, but I don't care. 
"I should be asking you the same thing! Don't talk to me b-budster." I slurred than walked funkily into to my porch. Then I saw that he was walking towards me. 
"Oh my god you're drunk aren't you? See I've been watching you these past few wee-"
"You were watching me? You're such a stalker! Ha you haven't moved on, and I have!" I blew him a raspberry.
"W-what? I totally have moved on. Anyways not the point I didn't purposely watch for you the first few times I just heard you crash into your house and you happened to woke me up while doing it."
"What about the other times though!" She pointed an accusing finger at him.
"Well those times were on purpose. I'm getting worried, you should NOT be drinking this much!"
"Gosh I'm so tired of your scolding! Y-your not m-my...what's the w-word? Oh y-yeah," I could notice the slur myself. "Boyfriendddd. Th-that's the word. You are N-NOT my b-boyfrieeendd." I dragged out the word as long as I could. 
"Melanie just go inside and rest."
"W-wait Josh. I'm getting dizzy."
"Oh shit just wait." 
"J-Joshie I can't." All I could remember last was my scream. 

Forget to Remember/Part two of Don't Let Me Be series/JelanieNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ