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"Hurry, he'll be here any minute." Kun said, knocking on Hwayang's door.

"Oh, my God." Jamie said, panicking. Hwayang finished fixing Jamie's hair and looked at her.

"Relax, you can do this." Hwayang said. Jamie stood up after zipping up her boots and nodded.

"Yeah." Jamie said.

"Let's go, you indecisive hoe." Kun said, barging into her room.

"I'm just looking at my options, dude." Jamie said, following Kun.

"You right." Kun shrugged. Doyoung opened the door, revealing Lucas. Jamie looked at Hwayang nervously and straightened out her outfit before stepping towards the door.

 Jamie looked at Hwayang nervously and straightened out her outfit before stepping towards the door

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(Jamie's outfit ^^)

"Hi, you look beautiful, like always." Lucas smiled. Jamie looked down and smiled before taking a shaky breath.

"I can't do this, I need to get my mind straight." Jamie said, looking at all of them before walking quickly past Lucas and going to the staircase. She went to Jungwoo's apartment and knocked rapidly. Jungwoo opened the door and let her in, confused.

"Can we go to our hide out?" Jamie said. Jungwoo opted not to ask questions yet and nodded. They went into Jungwoo's room and into a weird secret room. Jamie turned on the light and turned off her phone before sighing and looking a Jungwoo.

"You can ask your questions." Jamie said.

"Aren't you supposed to be on a date with Lucas right now?" Jungwoo asked.

"Yeah." Jamie said.

"Then why aren't you with him?" Jungwoo question.

"I need to talk to someone who will understand me. Which is you." Jamie said. Jungwoo smiled and patted her head.

"So, when Lucas asked me out, it made me start thinking." Jamie said.

"Think about what?" Jungwoo asked.

"If I see me having any type of future with him and then it led me to think about Ten and how I saw myself having a future with him." Jamie said. Jungwoo bit his lip and nodded so that she would continued.

"And when I saw Lucas earlier, he looked so happy and excited and it made my heart flutter. It confused me because just last night I was dead set on being with Ten. Lucas doesn't deserve being played with, neither does Ten so I just want to get my mind straightened out and disconnect myself from them." Jamie said. Jungwoo lifted his head from her shoulder and started nodding.

"Yeah, I think that would be good for you." Jungwoo said. Jamie nodded and sighed, resting her head on the wall. Jungwoo laid his head on her lap and started fiddling with her fingers.

"How have you been, bubs?" Jamie asked, using her free hand to play with his hair.

"Jiah's being a bitch again." Jungwoo sighed.

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