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"Jamie, wake up." Hwayang called out, banging on her door. Jamie woke up and opened the door.

"I'm dying, lady." Jamie croaked and threw herself back into her bed.

"Oh, I forgot you were sick. Do you want me to tell Lucas to leave?" Hwayang asked.

"No, no. I'll, I'm up." Jamie sniffled, getting up and wrapping herself in her blanket and shuffling out of her room. She saw Lucas and shuffled a little faster, and stopped to look up at him.

"What brings you here, boy?" Jamie asked, her voice cracking.

"Aw, you're so sick. Let's go sit." Lucas said, and led her to the couch.

"You completely ignored my question." Jamie grumbled. Lucas was about to answer but saw Hwayang spying so he decided to speak Thai.

"Oh, uh, I just haven't seen you running around the apartment so I wanted to come see if you were okay," Lucas trailed off. Hwayang clicked her tongue and went back into her room.

"I'm dying, and I'm too weak to go downstairs." Jamie said, dramatically.

"I could've carried you downstairs." Lucas blurted out, making Jamie laugh(cackle bc her voice is crusty asf).

"What? This isn't a drama, Luke, the fuck." Jamie said, shoving his playfully.

"If it were a drama, would it be okay if I k-"

"I brought the Advil- is that Lucas?" Taeyong asked, still holding up the Advil. Jamie pushed Lucas away slightly and got up.

"Thanks for the Advil. Come, Lucas." Jamie said, tippy toeing to get the Advil from Taeyong's hand. Lucas got up, taking her blanket off the couch and stood behind her. She turned around and led Lucas to her room.

"Y-you want me to go into your room?" Lucas asked, already getting flustered.

"Yeah, it's not like we're going to do anything. I'm sick as hell." Jamie said, sitting on her bed. Lucas entered the small room and sat at her desk chair.

"So if you weren't sick, we would do something?" Lucas smirked.

"Here's the exit, bye." Jamie said, pointing at her window. Lucas put his hand to his chest and gasped.

"I'm hurt. I thought you liked me." Lucas pouted, sitting at the edge of her bed. Jamie hid her inner fangirl with a stank face

"You're so cringey, I think it's making me sicker

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"You're so cringey, I think it's making me sicker." Jamie said.

"Sicker? Is that even a word?" Lucas asked, laughing.

"I don't know." Jamie shrugged, laughing too. Her laugh led to her coughing. Lucas moved closer, startled, and put his hand on her back. He handed her the water bottle that was on her nightstand.

"You should leave before I get you sick, Lucas." Jamie said, after she stopped coughing.

"You already did, though." Lucas said.

"What?" Jamie asked, confused.

"You got me love sick." Lucas said. Jamie's ears got red but she tried ignoring it.

"Bye, Lucas." Jamie said, not knowing what else to say.

"That was really cringey, I'm sorry." Lucas chuckled, awkwardly. He got up and Jamie followed him out.

"Bye, Sonny, feel better." Lucas said, using Jamie's nickname that no one ever uses.

"Wait," Jamie said, biting her lip. Lucas turned to her and bent down a little, since he noticed her waving her hand down.

"I know this might get you sick," she whispered and went to kiss his cheek. Lucas, not knowing her intention, turned, making them kiss on the lips. They both pulled away, shocked.

"I'm so sorry." Jamie said, covering her mouth.

"No, no. It's fine, actually it's perfect." Lucas said, smiling.

"You're going to get so sick, I'm so sorry. B-bye." Jamie said, still covering her mouth and slamming the door shut.

Third Wheel ||| NCT LucasOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora