Part 4

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Wade's eyes drifted to Sean's body laying across one of the couches, asking nervously. "What's going on guys"? Bob gestured for Wade to enter and close the door behind him. Wade closed the door, then moved to set the coffee and snacks on the little coffee table. As Wade took a seat next to Bob, Mark quickly filled him in about Anti. When he finished, Bob told Wade anxiously. "Which leaves us to what we are going to do now. His panel is going to start soon and we don't know who will answer if we wake him up". Wade grabbed a bag of chips he brought in, simply saying. "Doesn't sound like we really can do anything. Unless you're thinking about drawing straws to see who wakes him". Mark rubbed his shoulder, glancing down at Sean saying. "No. I can't risk your lives. If Anti answers then you'll be in danger". 

Bob shrugged, casually stating out. "If Anti answers, than the whole building is in danger. I think we should draw straws". Mark shook his head, mumbling out. "No. This is my fault. You guys should go and I'll wake him". Bob stood up, defensively stating back. "Now wait a minute, Mark! He's our friend too! We all are to blame for this. So, let's just think this through rationally. Do we have anything to tie him up"? Mark glanced around the room, grimly replying. "Not unless you plan to tie him up with lamp cords? I don't think it will matter though. Anti was pretty strong. I don't even think it would slow him down". Bob moved toward the nearest lamp, examining the length of the cord as he calmly told them. "It doesn't have to be very long. Just long enough to tie his hands or his feet up. Even if it doesn't slow him down, it will give us a small window to run".

Mark turned to grab a lamp off a table, when Wade's eyes grew wide and he climbed up onto the couch, stuttering out. "G-G-Guys"?! Both Bob and Wade turned to see Wade point with a shaky hand toward Sean. Bob dropped the lamp in his hand, causing the bulb to smash against the floor. Sean was sitting up staring at Wade, before his attention jerked in Bob's direction. Mark watched Sean's fingers grip the couch cushion tightly, his fingers turning black as long black talons grew out. Mark dashed closer to the couch, calling out loudly. "ANTI"! He didn't know what he would do, but he had to take Anti's attention away from his friends. Anti slowly tilted his head in Mark's direction, revealing that his eyes were a solid black. An wicked grin spread menacingly across his face, before he told Mark in a giddily voice. "You brought some friends... How delicious".

Mark stood his ground, snapping back a lot braver than he felt. "Leave them alone"! Anti rose slowly to his feet, his eyes never leaving Mark. Then the second he was on his feet, his attention shifted to Wade. Wade slid up the back of the couch, sitting on the back of it with terrified eyes locked on Anti. Anti jerked his hand out at Wade, letting out a loud laugh that caused Wade to fall backward off the couch. Anti's attention then turned to Bob, who picked up the large broken lamp carefully. Anti tilted his head chuckling excitedly, while Mark inched closer, yelling out. "Anti! Look at me"! Anti ignored him, walking toward Bob. Bob held the lamp up getting ready to defend himself, calling out to Anti. "Sean? Are you in there? If you can hear me, you've got to take control of Anti now"!

Anti jumped closer, making Bob swing at him in surprise. Anti caught the lamp one handed and began to bend the metal rod back as he happily told Bob. "He can't control me. He's weak. Just like you"! Anti raised his free hand, aiming it to stab Bob in the stomach with his claws, when Mark smashed his own lamp across the back of Anti's head. Mark swallowed nervously, watching Anti turn to face him. Anti's solid black eyes began to burn with bright green irises, growling out to him bitterly. "I'm going to immensely enjoy seeing the suffering drip from your eyes! I'll feed from it"! Mark stumbled back as Anti's hand grabbed his throat tightly, jumping into him to slam him back against the floor. Bob ran up toward Anti, but Anti raised up only enough to kick back at Bob's torso. The kick sent Bob to the far wall, before Anti sat back down on Mark's hips.

Mark grabbed Anti's wrist desperately. Anti's touch was heating up his throat and causing blood to leak from his eyes as he coughed up blood. Wade ran up calling Mark's name and looking like he was going to try and tackle Anti off him. Before Wade got too far though, Anti turned his head and let out an ear piercing scream. Wade stumbled to his knees, quickly covering his ears trying to block out the sound. It wasn't helping though. Blood was starting to leak between Wade's fingers and run down his wrists. Mark gave up trying to pry off Anti's hand and thought about trying something else. Reaching out, Mark quickly slipped his hand under Anti's shirt and ran his hand up Anti's back where his wings were. Anti's voice cut off instantly and he jerked his head back to look down at Mark with flickering green irises.

Mark watched the green fade from Anti's eyes. Was Anti weakening? Anti's hand released his throat to brace himself over him. Anti growled inches from his face, but his body was starting to shake. Mark kept stroking his fingers along Anti's back, keeping his eyes locked on Anti's black eyes. Anti's claws tore into the carpet, growling out at him. "What are you doing?! STOP IT"! Mark's heart was racing in his chest. Did Anti not know that wings were sensitive? Anti had never had wings long enough to find out. Mark smirked to himself a little, before reaching up with his other hand to cup Anti's neck, bluntly stating to him. "I know you're in there, Sean. Come back to me". Mark swallowed his fear, pulling Anti down enough to kiss him.

Anti tried to jerk back, refusing to kiss him, but he seemed to be struggling internally again. Anti's arm muscles flexed as his hands struck the carpet, but Mark only focused on the kiss. Anti may not have wanted to kiss him, but he hoped it was enough to bring Sean back. Teasing Anti's lips with his, he grazed his teeth lightly over Anti's bottom lip and flicked his tongue over it. Anything to loosen Anti's control. It was having a strong effect on one of them, if the bulge between Anti's legs was any indication. Suddenly, Anti's arms stopped flexing with resistance and he arched his back to give Mark more access to his wings. Mark briefly stopped kissing Anti, opening his eyes to see if Sean was back. Only his eyes were still solid black. Anti tilted his head back, closing his eyes and biting his lip hard.

Mark wasn't sure what he was doing was working the way he had intended. When Anti looked back down at him, his eyes had changed. The shock of it made Mark's heart skip. One eye was a solid black, but the other was back to the bright blue he had come to love. Anti shivered above him, goosebumps racing down his arms, before he grabbed Mark's jaw in a semi-strong grip and kissed him back. The kiss was strange. It was a mix of sweet tender kisses, between more aggressive sinful kisses. Mark didn't know how to feel about this turn of events, but found himself enjoying the kiss. Anti released Mark's jaw to take ahold of Mark's hand. Mark broke the kiss to watch Anti position his hand from behind his neck to the front of it. Mark curled his fingers firmly around Anti's throat and Anti tilted his head back with a bright grin.

Mark was only a little confused for a moment, before Anti rolled himself onto his back pulling Mark overtop of him. Mark had to remove his hand from Anti's back and he panicked a little. Quickly leaning in to give Anti another kiss in the hopes to keep him docile. Anti raised his legs up to tightly squeeze Mark's hips, when the door opened. Everyone jumped, glancing directly at the door. The escort leaned in staring at them all with wide eyes and asking concerned. "Is everything alright in here"? Both Bob and Wade, glanced with terrified eyes in Mark's direction. Mark swallowed nervously, before peeking down at Anti. Only to find that Anti's solid black eyes were gone. Sean chuckled both in relief and happiness as he answered for everyone. "Ya. I think we're ok now".

The escort shook her head, rolling her eyes as she told them. "Whatever. You guys should start heading out to the panels now". As she started to close the door and walked away, they heard her mutter out. "I'll never understand boys". Wade fell back across the floor, muttering back weakly. "But...We're men". Bob chuckled, stiffly climbing to his feet and rubbing his lower back. Mark nestled his head against Sean's neck, whispering warmly to him. "Are you really back"? Sean kissed his shoulder, mumbling out a bit shaky. "For now. He just stopped all of a sudden". Wade chuckled, muttering out from across the room. "Wish I had thought about cuddling with the Angel of Death". Bob walked over to help Wade up, adding in with a smirk. "My next plan was for you to throw the cookies at him". Sean scrambled out from under Mark, excitedly asking both Bob and Wade. "You guys have cookies?! I'm starving"! To Be Continued...     

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