~Chapter Twenty-Two~

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~I Don't Know!~


Y/N - Your Name
L/N - Last Name
H/C - Hair Color
E/C - Eye Color
H/L - Hair Length



"No, Y/N, I...like, like you." I look astonished.

End of Recap

I can barely even comprehend this. I can't even say anything. I just stare. I'm just still, sitting there, staring into his big, blue eyes.

Finally, I speak, "Garroth, I-I don't e-even know what to s-say...." I look to the ground.

"You....don't have to say anything.." That's when I look over to Garroth and he connects our lips, kissing me. Shortly after he pulls back. Not even enough time to kiss back, but enough time to send the message he wanted to send.

I can't do anything, I just sit there again. I come out of my trance again, when he talks, "Well...that happened." I nod slowly. "I should get going. It was...fun hang out with you. Cya Y/N, hope to see you soon." He leaves the room while I wave.

Right after Garroth walks out, Faith and Ethan walk in. "Hey,  what's up? Did something happen? You seem to be....unfocused..." I look Faith, with dreamy eyes.

"Uhhh, yeah. Everything's fine." I say, still staring at her with the same dreamy eyes.

"I doubt that, but ok." My eyes go back to normal while rolling my eyes. "What happened?"

"You know my friend, Garroth?" They nod. "He....kissed me.." I look up at their faces and they look even more astonished than I did when he kissed me.

"Do...do you like him like that?" Ethan looks to the ground before walking out, closing the door behind him.

"Ethan!" I open the door and look to the left of the door and the right of it, not seeing him at all. He must've gone to his room.

I enter my room, closing the door once again. "Do you?"

"I mean....kinda. But....I also...kind like....Laurence - I know thats not good, but it's true!" I sit down on my bed, looking at the ground.

"Well...who do you like more?"

I hesitate a little before replying, "I don't know!"

So sorry I haven't updated sooner! I've had writers block and been really busy with my other books on other websites! Sorry.


A Little Bit of Love (Garroth x Reader x Laurence) [Completed]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat