~Chapter Nine~

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~First Class~


Y/N - Your Name
L/N - Last Name
H/C - Hair Color
E/C - Eye Color
H/L - Hair Length



I wipe the tears away, and pack up my stuff. I see a note in my binder. It says, "Meet me in front of the school during lunch." I decided I'm gonna go. I wonder who did it...

End of Recap

The bell rings and I immediately stand up and leave the homeroom class, with no questions asked, literally.

I check my schedule and it says I have math first. Ugh. I look for my math class on the map, and finally found it. Luckily, I wasn't late.

Once I get in there, I see everyone is already in there. I quickly hurry inside, close
the door, and take a seat.

"Because this is the first day of class, I would like everyone to socialize." The teacher explains.

Everyone immediately gets up and goes to their friends. I just sit in my seat, grab my sketchbook and begin drawing again.

"Hello, I'm Silver." I hear someone near me say. I know they aren't talking to me, so I just ignore it. "Hello?" Someone waves their hand in my face. I look up, and see the girl from werewolf class.

"Hey, I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you Silver." I smile brightly at her.

"It's nice to meet you too! Mind if I sit down?" She points to the chair next to me.

"Oh, no, go ahead." Once she sits down, we start talking a lot. I show her some of my drawings, and I draw one of her.

 I show her some of my drawings, and I draw one of her

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

(AGAIN, not my drawing)

She had blond hair and dark brown eyes. I was gonna color her, but decided not to. I showed her my drawing.

"Oh, my goodness! This looks amazing! I love it!" She whisper-yells. For the rest of the class period, we talk.

We talk until someone barges into the door. "Everyone get down!" We all kneel down on the ground and wait.


Not gonna do an authors note today. I don't wanna.

Love ya! ❤️


A Little Bit of Love (Garroth x Reader x Laurence) [Completed]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt