Eight- "this undeniable question"

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We hit 200 reads! And I'm only eight chapters in! Ahhhh Thank you all so freaking much for that!

Btw that's heather aka the main bitch^

Anyways happy Friday! Things are about to get a little rocky in the next few chapters.

The hot rays of the sun blared down on my face, I groan as I feel my senses slowly flood back to me. I fell two strong arms firmly wrapped around my body, my head was nuzzled close into the nook of someone's neck my head resting on a chest.

And my brain reminded me that someone was Owen.

My eyes shot open and leaned up quickly my hand resting on his chest, I wasn't subtle about my actions either.

I just slept with a playboy freaking prince and I do not want him getting the wrong idea.

I glared at him my eyes practically red, I can't describe how I felt, I wasn't mad, I wasn't happy either. I was really confused. Owen looked back at me his eyes flashing with concern before realization grew onto his features.

He groaned and buried his face in his hand, facepalming. "Bloody hell, it's so early, it's not like we had sex. We just fell asleep Aurora."

"Yeah, I don't want to sleep with you. Ever." I snapped getting up and stepping out of the car and into the cool morning air. The days were growing colder and I wasn't dressed nor prepared for it.

My nose started to turn a light shade of pink, Owen leaned up and looked at me nonchalantly and unamused.

I was wearing a light t-shirt and jean shorts. It took all my will not to rub my arms and keep my angry face plastered on my features.

"Aurora get in the car it's cold outside, you're going to freeze." He sighed.

"No..." the idea sounded great, more the reason not to listen.

I wrinkle my nose stubbornly and stand outside.

"Aurora...get in the car." Owen now was glaring.

"I'm pissed."

"I. Don't. Care. You're freezing."


Owen huffed and got out of the trunk walking over to me. He grabbed my legs, slinging me over his shoulder and I dangled upside down off his back.

"OWEN LYSANDER! PUT ME THE FUCK DOWN." His toned arms flexed and held me tighter as I tried to struggle which proved useless. I banged on his back, he just chuckled.

"No, now how does it feel to be the stubborn princess?" He said seductively and I cursed every word in the book at him.

He plopped me down in the front seat, he reached over me to grab his keys on the driver's side. Purposely making it so that he leaned close to me, our faces inches apart. I was thankful that he thought I was mad because my flaming red flustered cheeks could have been passed as red because I was angry.

"Keys." He jiggled them, the Keys crashing together cascading a dinging noise as each key clattered together.

I pursued my lips my cheeks burning and I nodded slowly.

He smirked and winked his face still close to mine.

I hate this guy.

He knows exactly what he's doing, and he loves it.

He pulled away and walked to the trunk slamming it shut. He then opened the driver's side and got in starting the car with a roar.

As much as Owen was a jerk, he was very refined. Very clean and proper. Everything he did was done elegantly and precisely. Like he was so eager to impress someone who wasn't there.

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