Chapter 17

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**thank you all so much for reading/commenting/voting on my story!! let me know what y'all think at the end of this chapter ;) **

Chapter 17

Lyla had never seen snow before.

Only in paintings, and she'd listened to the elder Apreunian princess describe it countless times from her trips to Nuelle while Lyla sat on the Persian carpet and listened faithfully.

Somehow, she still hadn't expected it to be cold.

She had to borrow one of Aveline's coats, but the material was soft and foreign, and it kept her warmer than Lyla had expected.

In Olwen, everyone had a coat, with golden furs lining the top. Everything was big; the umber houses, the impossibly wide roads, even the trees, with their bare branches stretching out like claws. The people were tall, too, and extremely muscular. Many rode around on large white cats that were striped and had teeth that looked like knives. Lyla stayed close to Ari and Aveline.

"His house is likely in the East Quarter. That's where all the wealthy people live," Ari had told her as they were getting off the ship.

"You two have been everywhere," Eli had commented. Aveline then explained that the best thieves were informed and well travelled, which Lyla supposed made sense.

Lyla recognized the East Quarter as soon as she saw it; the houses grew twice the size, and marble streaks had begun to materialize in the icy pavement.

"No one is likely to talk to us," said Aveline as she helped Lyla around a patch of snow. "Lyla, perhaps you could ask someone where he lives."

Lyla uncertainly studied the other people on the street; their mouths were red and harsh, their chins high. And why was everyone so tall? One woman with ebony hair that was speckled with snowflakes brushed Lyla's elbow with her hip as she walked past.
"Excuse me," Lyla blurted before she could second guess herself. "Miss?"

The woman looked down at her over her long, hooked nose, as if offended to be addressed. Her gaze suspiciously roved over Lyla's companions, at Ari and Aveline who hovered almost protectively on both sides of her.

"Do you know where Tybalt Sybell lives? It's on palace business," Lyla tacked on hastily, hoping she at least looked enough like a royal to be taken as one.

The woman narrowed her eyes. "Which kingdom?"
"Apreuna," Lyla said weakly. Her neck was already beginning to ache from staring up too long.

The Olwenian pointed down the right side of the street. "Mansion on the corner," she barked. Then she stomped away, taking enormous strides with her impossibly long legs.

"Perfect." Aveline whirled around and marched down the street.

Lyla followed, shielding her eyes from the falling snow as she scanned the lane for the house in on the corner. It was white, so it almost blended in with the landscape save for the gleaming silver spires atop its roof.

"No one's answering the door," Aveline shouted down the street from where she stood on the front porch. Lyla jogged the last few feet, watching her breath puff little clouds in the air.

Sybell's house glistened like an ice sculpture against a wintry landscape. The gothic ivory style was unlike anything Lyla had ever seen; whorls of pearl had been inlaid into the stone, and the arched door was three times her size.

"It's unlocked," Ari reported.

"What are you doing?" Jamie demanded. "You can't just walk in!" She was promptly ignored, and before Lyla could stop him Ari had shouldered his way into the front lobby.

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