Chapter 4

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   You wanted to say goodbye to your father. You loved him, but you knew your mom was alive and you were going to find her.

Flashback timez!
  You jolted awake to the sound of sirens and screams. You got up and grabbed your gun that was sitting on the nightstand. You locked the door and started to put on your armor. Once you put on your helmet, the radio gave off static. You huffed in annoyance, but right after it cleared your mothers voice came on.
   "(Y/n)! Listen I'm in some trouble and I won't see you for a while," she spoke fast but clear. Urgency in her voice.
   "I love you very much. This is goodbye forever. I love your father too. Please stay safe and be good my baby girl. Oh fuc-"
    "Mom! Mom!!" You screamed into the mic. The radio must have gotten cut.
   Your door was unlocked from the outside, and your father burst through with tears in his eyes.
   "Allison- your mother is- she died 20 minutes ago," he said, stepping in to hug you. You tried to tell him but he shushed you and you both sobbed. You stayed with you father for the rest of the night....

Flashback endz!

  You snuck into where you swore you heard your fathers voice.
The voices grew louder as you noticed there were 2- no 4 voices around the corner. You recognized some of them: your father, Counselor Price, and- Sigma... one of the AI fragments. But the fourth voice... was screaming...
   "Oh GOD, no!!"
You put your hand over your mouth at the horrifying sound. You peeled around the corner to see Sigma disappear and some other soldiers bring over a huge crate like thing. It held- something- you weren't sure what it was. It looked like a weapon but you weren't sure. It was a pale maroon color with blue accents.
  Your father held it and was cajoling something to fix it. You had had enough. You ran around the corner, anger surging through your veins.
   "What the HELL are you doing?!" You yelled as everyone turned to look at you. The two other soldiers ran to you to keep you out of the room. But you fought them off, knocking them to the ground. You went to your father and looked at the machine. You saw a man in blue armor on the screen.
   This must be the one screaming earlier. You thought.
   You looked back to your father and grabbed his shirt collar. Gritting your teeth, you shoved him away, not able to look at him any longer. He staggered back into Price.
   "Please Miss (y/n), if you let us explain-" he got cut off by the sound of the door being slammed.

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