Chapter Six: A Perilous Journey

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"Are you certain Hermes delivered our message? What if Logan doesn't want to see us? What if he truly DID abduct Patton?! We really have no way of knowing if Patton is being held against his will or not." Virgil babbled anxiously, his eyes nervously shifting around them as they walked. Roman appeared utterly unconcerned, the corners of his lips slightly uplifted as he listened to his companion's words.

In truth, he was grateful the god had come along. Roman had packed some provisions, but not nearly enough. On his own, he would likely have been hungry and also quite damp. The anxious god had prepared for any eventuality and brought more than enough food and water to sustain them....not that Roman was going to be admitting that any time soon.

"Yes, Virgil, I'm sure. From what Hermes said, I think Patton's staying because he wants to, and Logan seems to have no issue with it." Roman paused, glancing at the map in his hands, then made a slight alteration of course and continued onwards.

"But what if--"

"Virgil! We could get lost in "what if's" and "maybe's" forever, but that will do nothing to help ourselves or them. I know you're the god of anxiety, but you may want to give not worrying a try at some point." Roman cut him off, arching a brow at his companion. Virgil glared, a sour expression on his face.

"My, you are a genius. How did I never consider that? Heavens, it would seem I am cured by your sheer, original brilliance!" The sarcasm in Virgil's voice was so thick that Roman could nearly see it dripping off of each syllable. "I'm literally the god of anxiety! Did it never once occur to you that I don't have a choice in the matter?!?"

Roman paused, turning to look at Virgil curiously. "And do you?"

"...Do I what?" Virgil asked, confusion written all over his face.

"Do you have a choice?" Roman clarified, his head cocked to the side. Virgil flushed slightly, glancing down.

"Do you have a choice to create?" Virgil countered softly, and the muse gave a soft smile at that.

"Never. The ideas come, and I need to release them or I'll go mad. Sometimes it's a grand tale that should be told, other times a melody that won't leave me alone," Roman began to walk again as he spoke. "At times it's a vivid art piece that I have to create. Then again, there are times when the ideas are too much, even for me, and I use them to inspire the mortals. For all their faults and foibles, they are capable of creating magnificent things when properly motivated."

Virgil snorted, falling into step beside him again. "They're also capable of being horrifying monsters for the same reason."

"Well, all good things come with a price! Can't have something for nothing, you know." Roman shot him a smile, which Virgil hesitantly returned.

"I imagine it would be a terrible burden, to worry constantly. Particularly since you have no outlet. At least we Muses have ways of releasing our creative energy." Roman said softly, his eyes lit with a warmth that Virgil had rarely seen before.

"I...I can release it. But it's rarely a good idea. What I can't absorb goes back into the world...and mortals were not built for this." Virgil's voice was wistful, his brown eyes filled with deep sadness that touched the muse. He had never considered what Virgil's existence must truly be like, or what kind of struggles the god might have had to endure.

Roman opened his mouth to reply, but whatever he might have said died immediately as a loud hiss sounded off to their right. The muse whirled, and saw the dark, gaping entrance to the Underworld looming beyond. Shadows and mist swirled ominously, and dark things slithered just beyond his vision, in the corner of his eye.

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