Chapter 3: Exploring The Underworld

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Patton took Logan's outstretched hand, his eyes wide as he took in the vastness of the kingdom. He'd known the Underworld was large, but he'd never envisioned this!

"Logan, oh my goodness! How do you manage all of this?!" Patton's awed whisper made Logan's lips curve into a small smile, a frisson of pride weaving its way through his heart.

"This is only a fraction of my realm. In front of us is the Stygian Marsh. We'll cross through that, then the Asphodel Meadows on the other side. My palace resides beyond, in the center." The dark god turned away, and whistled sharply. A loud roar sounded, and Patton shrank against his side as a huge dragon soared up on tattered wings, wheeled in a circle, then came down to land directly in front of them. It was massive and black, almost skeletal in its appearance. It's throat was blue, and a huge snake-like tongue tasted the air, it's head weaving gracefully before slowly lowering down. One enormous glowing eye regarded both of them with interest.

"Easy, Exousía. Patton is a guest." Logan spoke calmly, gently patting the massive head with one hand. The dragon made an odd purring sound that rumbled the ground beneath their feet. It shifted, turning and lying down, and Patton noticed the saddle attached to it's back.

"!" Patton couldn't even finish the sentence, and he swore the rumbling noise from the dragon was almost like laughter.

"When she allows me to, yes. It would seem she's going to now." Logan gracefully swung up into the saddle, then scooted back and offered his hand. Patton glanced from his calm face to the one massive eye peering at him. There was something...amused in the way Exousia looked at him. "Truly Patton, this is the fastest way to get where we're going. She won't harm you."

Patton looked back to the God of Death, screwed up all of his courage, and took his outstretched hand. Logan pulled him up with easy strength, settling Patton in front of him, his strong arms caging him in. The dragon easily stood, and Patton made a small "meep!" sound and leaned closer to Logan, too panicked to feel the hitch in his breath.

"Are you alright?" Logan's low voice murmured directly into his ear, and Patton couldn't suppress the shiver that ran down his spine at that.

"Just...a little nervous is all. I'll be okay." He flashed a reassuring smile over his shoulder, and Logan merely arched a brow before making a clicking sound. Exousia took off with a jolt, and within moments they were soaring through the air. From this height, Patton could easily see the entirety of Logan's realm.

"There are five main rivers that flow here. The Styx, which you've seen. The Acheron, the Lethe, the Phlegethon, and the Cocytus. The Oceanus is the river that encircles the world and marks the Eastern edge of the Underworld. The Phlegethon is the river of fire, which flows into Tartarus." Logan pointed, and Patton could see the dull red glow in the distance. "The Asphodel Meadows are below us now. That is where the majority of souls reside. They have done neither great deeds nor committed great atrocities. Over on this side is the Elysium. Those who have proximity to the gods, or great heroes who have done worthy deeds live an afterlife of ease and comfort. The sun is always shining there."

"What's that really bright patch in the distance?" Patton pointed, and Logan followed his gaze.

"Ah, that is the Isles of the Blessed. If a soul achieves Elysium, they have the choice to stay or be reborn and live again. If they are reborn three times, and achieve Elysium each time, they are granted admittance to the Isles to live in eternal paradise. There are very few who have managed it." Less nervous now, Patton leaned forward, looking around and letting his curiosity take over.

"What is that place there? It's gray and soft of misty."

"The Mourning Fields. That is where the souls who wasted their lives on unrequited love reside. It is a sad, quiet place." Patton made a soft noise, his heart going out to those poor souls.

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