Chapter 1

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A/N Suggestion to read the first book His Assistant first.

"Joe!" I laughed. "Stop!"

"Not until you give me a kiss." He tickled me more. I squirmed around probably looking like a fish out of the water just to get away from him.

"Can't...breath," I said laughing in between. He stopped a few seconds later.

"Sorry love." He pecked me on the lips and smiled.

"You're so cute."

"Don't say that. I'm 26."

"So? 26 and still cute is a good thing."

"Ok if you say so."

It's officially been two months since I've been living in London with Joe, and if you haven't guessed already we are dating. Only 1 month, but we've grown pretty close after we first got to England. 

Who knew he would warm up to me. He actually kicked me out after the first week of living with him. I found my own place, and then a week later we bumped into each other again. It's like the universe was saying something.

Joe ended up being a businessman surprise surprise. He wasn't a CEO or anything just someone who worked at a big company in the city.

I've continued modeling for Lenny's international company that he opened like a week after hearing I was moving here. I see him and Meadow every other week or so for a few days.


"Who's phone is that?" Joe asked. I sat up.

"I don't know probably mine. Meadow told me she had something to tell me." I got up and all the heat rushed out of my body. I grabbed my phone before it stopped ringing and answered it.
"Helloo!" I said in a sing-song voice.

"Bella, are you sitting down?" Meadow asked. I could hear the panic in the tone of her voice.

"I will be in a second." I walked back over to the couch and snuggled back up in Joe's arms. "Ok, I'm sitting."

"I'm pregnant." She interrupted.

"I'm sorry I think we are breaking up or something. Did I hear you are pregnant?"

"Yes, Bella I am pregnant. I took ten pregnancy tests and went to the doctors. All of them said positively."

"I can't believe this! This is so exciting. I'm gonna be an aunt!" I'm sure Joe was hella confused.

"I haven't told Nolan yet. I'm scared."

"Well Meadow, you should tell him when you're comfortable but preferably before you start showing a belly.

"You're one to talk." She said sarcastically.

"Hunter is doing his own thing I don't want to burden him with this."

"Well, I have to go. Thank you for the advice. I'll tell Nolan at dinner."

I turned my phone off and set it on the table.

"Are you going to tell me what happened or are you just going to lay there?" Joe asked and put his arm back around me.

"I think I'll just lay here."

"That wasn't an option. Tell me."

"Meadow is pregnant."


"My friend. I only talk to her almost every week on the phone. You've met her three times."

"Oh, the one who interrogated me at dinner."

"Yup that's her."

"Tell her I said congratulations."

"You can tell her yourself. We are going over there for the baby shower."

"We are going to the states?" He asked confused.

"Yup. You, me, and the baby are all going to the states."


6 months later

"Let's go, Joe, we don't want to miss the plane," I said putting my jacket on.

"I'm coming." He said from our bedroom. He came out in sweatpants, a t-shirt, and had a backpack on.

"You didn't pack?"

"I knew you would pack for me. Here let me take this and you need to be careful. Are you sure you can fly?" He said and looked at my stomach which at this point was so big.

"I'll be ok, Meadow booked us and Lenny a private jet."


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