Chapter nineteen

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Edited as of June 14, 2021


"I must go to the Springs and try to activate these cursed powers of mine. My only worry is that I won't be able to do it in time... what if I am to come to that conclusion, Link? What if I am unable to awaken my power and save Hyrule from the Calamity? I've trained constantly ever since I was young but then I had guidance, now I don't. What if I can't do it... what if I fail and I won't save Hryule. I won't be the princess my Father wants me to be, Link what if-" I felt a firm finger being pressed against my lips stopping me from my continuous rant. I glanced down at his finger and then back at him.

"Princess, please stop doubting yourself. You are very skilled even beyond your powers. You'll be fine. I have faith in you and so does everyone else. So stop worrying about it already and have some courage." His voice laced with determination as he said his small speech of encouragement.

Courage? Oh, if only I had the courage to actually believe in myself that I am capable of obtaining my powers. But all I have is the wisdom behind the tech or anything recited in a book. Courage... if only I had that bur of course, the Goddess blessed me with The power of Wisdom. The one thing that could defeat the Calamity time and time again. If my mother were still here would I still be like this? Panicking and worrying over the simple things that I've trained for along side her? She'd probably laugh. Telling me to stop trying so hard and do what I do best with the knowledge I posses.

Oh mother... if only you were still here with me now.

The sound of clean metal scrapping against a heavy material that I assumed was a sheath broke me from my worries as Link was sliding his Master Sword in its protection. What on Hylia was he up to this time?

"Link, what are you doing?" I ask. He glanced at me with a smirk on his face.

"We're going to the Springs. I have faith in you Zelda and the sooner we go to them maybe something will spark." He said.

"Link, don't be ridiculous. Even if we go early, nothing will change. The outcomes are aligned to he fated on where they stand now. Us going earlier won't alter that." I protested, crossing my arms. It was completely absurd. However, it did make me feel a little better that Link was trying to help. He could be such a goofball sometimes.

He sighed and ran his fingers through his bangs before mimicking my pose. We stayed like that for a few moments, just staring at each other like a staring contest. It was completely childish but I had no idea what else he wanted from me. I was just being logical is all.

But, how childish antics came to an end as I gave into the determined blonde before me. His piercing ocean blue eyes were just no match for me I couldn't resist.

"Alright, fine. We'll go. Only to prove you wrong." I said. Thought I didn't realize my lips were curving into a small smile after I finished my sentence.

It made the knight stand tall in victory as he grinned his Oh so adorable, grin. Wait, no. Its anything but adorable.

I walked past him and gathered my clothing. The ones made specifically for the occasion. A white ceremonial gown said to have been replicated to match Goddess Hylia when she obtained her powers. Which seemed silly to me but I suppose it had to do. I walked behind the changing board so I can get ready but I paused feeling blue eyes stare at me.

I peaked my head out from the ends of the board and noticed Link looking this way. This knight was surely going to make me burst.

"Um, Link? Do you mind? I would like to get dressed." I said a bit more shy than usual.

His dumb expression stayed present for a long while before the tips of his ears grew red and he looked away, rubbing the back of his neck. "Ah, sorry, Princess. I'll step out for a bit and let you change." He immediately went for the door nearly tripping on the red carpet on the way out. It made me laugh a little seeing his flustered expression as he walked out of the room.

Once he was gone, I began to change. The white gown once on was joined by a golden belt that went under my chest just above my waist with three turquoise triangles in the middle. Then the gold necklace that took the shape of our Royal Crest along with bronze bracelets that had the same shape on the middle of it. After, it was my sandals and once those were on, my outfit was complete.

I stepped out from the changing board and called Link back in. I did a small twirl in the mirror seeing how the white dress went all the way down to my ankles. I couldn't resist doing a small spin around. 

I turned a blind eye to see Link coming in through the mirrors reflection making me turn around with a smile as it showed off the outfit once more to him. "How does it look?" I asked with genuine curiosity. It doubted it at first but it truly was a beautiful dress. For it being so simple that is.

"It looks great." I swore I heard a small whisper after his response but I couldn't quite make it out. I wonder what he could have said.

Nevertheless, I smiled at him walking closer ai that I was now beside Link. "Shall we go then?" I took his hand giving it a small squeeze as if reassuring myself instead of him. To which he returned the favor and gave my hands a gentle squeeze before nodding.

So with that, we left my room and headed toward the stables. It was time to finally visit the Springs and active my powers. I only prayed that it would come in time.


The moment we got to the stables I felt a rush of anxiety flood over me. I was actually going to one of the Springs. It was as if reality barely hit me and now... I'm afraid. I don't know what will happen at the first Spring. Maybe my powers will active there at the Spring of Courage but another part of me is telling me it won't. Should I be wose and listen to that other voice that tells me otherwise? Or should I listen to the one that has hope of me gaining the power at the Spring of Courage?

Oh my mind was just racing with doubt and uncertainty. I wanted to follow that other voice but I just couldn't. I needed to get my mind wrapped around the idea that I was going to be able to do it at the Spring of Courage, and my powers will activate there. I just had to keep telling myself that.

While my mind wondered, my vision came into focus on a pair of gloved hands waving before me. I stepped back a little to see that it was Link trying to grab my attention. Whoops.

"Your horse is ready, Princess. We can leave now." He informed. I blinked and looked at my white stallion. 

"Oh Link, you didn't have to fix up my horse for me. I could have done it myself." He shook his head lowering his hands just by my waist to lift me up onto the saddle. His action took my by surpise that I didn't even have time to object and order him to put me back down. I just sat there red faced while adjusting myself on the saddle.

"Th-thank you... Link." I stutter out. He nods with lips turning into a small smile as he makes his way to his horse, jumping up a little to catch the step and sit down. He tugged his horse to move along side mine as we ventured out of the stables racing against time itself to reach the Faron Region; where the Spring of Courage resided.

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