Chapter 34 - Back to being a daddy

Start from the beginning

There was one question I couldn't help but ask, "How'd you know I live here?"

"Remeber how I told you about that one friend? He gave me the address and said you were home from your Maldives trip," Matthew was speaking a bit unclear like he was focusing on something else but I didn't really say anything about it, the whole situation is a little strange to me, "I hope it's okay that I come and say hi like this? If not, you can totally throw me out."

"No," I said quickly, shutting down his suggestion, "That's okay. Make yourself at home."

He followed me to the kitchen and I mumbled that we could take out some buns and juice to Justin and Noah. Matthew immediately asked me Justin were here and I nodded, repeating my sentence about him and his child being outside. He seemed surprised at the child part and I realised that I didn't tell him about it but since it was quite the story, I decided to shrug it off and simply said that I wasn't the mother of it.

Matthew nodded at my words, probably understanding why I didn't want to go into more depth about it.

"Here, can you take this?" I asked him as I held a drink holder, close to losing the grip of it but he was quick to help me out and grab it instead. I thanked him, getting a 'no problem' in response. 

I was about to ask for something else when the third voice popped into the kitchen and a shirtless Justin took place, his tanned body almost making me drop the plate of buns.

"Hey, babe, have you seen the watersli-" Justin stopped as his eyes landed on Matthew. I could see his gaze instantly darken and I was quick to stand by Justin's side in order to keep the situation in control. I heard him gulped and his jaw was suddenly clenched, "What is he doing here?"

I put my hand on his biceps, feeling the muscles under my hand that had me wanting to ask everyone to leave the room. Instead, I gathered and forced myself to stay professional before this situation got out of hand. I didn't need anyone to get hurt, especially not with Noah around. 

"I thought I told you we're in the Maldives?" Justin scoffed, narrowing his eyes at the foreign man in front of him. I could tell that he was annoyed and I also knew that his anger would probably be brought out on me later.

Matthew looked around the room, his eyes glancing over every little piece of item that was visible in our kitchen before he spoke his next words, "Yeah, I don't know what your definition of Maldives is but I don't think this is it."

I shut my eyes, knowing that this wasn't a good thing. I should've told Justin that Matthew had come to visit us, even though I know he would've wanted me to throw him out, but I didn't really have a chance before. Matthew had stepped inside our home without me inviting him to do so and I thought Justin was out playing with Noah so I guess I didn't see the problem.

Instead, I whispered where Noah was to Justin and he replied coldly that he was outside. My stomach twisted at his tone against me and I realised I hated when he seemed mad or frustrated with me. I wanted him to be happy and I guess my actions right now didn't make him that happy.

"I want you to leave," Justin muttered and I looked sympathetically towards Matthew until I realised that he was staring at me, which meant that he was talking to me. I gasped, saying Justin's name out loud but I was quickly interrupted by him repeating the same words, "I want you to leave, Jess."

"No," I said startled, immediately understanding his intentions, "that's not happening. You've got Noah outside."

"Jessica," Whenever Justin said my entire name, I freaked out a bit. He never used my full name unless it was something really serious, "You take care of Noah outside and make sure he stays outside."

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