"Pizza place, my friend Niall is probably already there waiting"

"Niall? He's a really cool guy, amazing singing voice... Sure, I'll come"

My "morning" had taken a rather unexpected turn. Maybe I was finally going to find out who exactly Louis Tomlinson was.

The pizza place was fairly empty, Niall was already there, waiting in a booth.


"I kind of brought a friend if that's okay?"

Louis awkwardly waved

"Yeah, of course, Louis is always welcome." When I sat down next to Niall he whispered in my ear "Where did you find him?"

"His house" I mouthed back

"So did you guys have your conversation yet?" Niall asked, raising his eyebrows in anticipation.

I began to nod just as Louis shook his head "We talked but it wasn't the conversation. I'll know it when we have it"

"What exactly is your definition of conversation?" I asked

"It varies person to person"

"Mine with Louis was about thirty minutes of awkward silence and then a full hour of talking about snakes..."

I raised my eyebrows "Talking about snakes?"

"Yeah. For some people all he needs is a short chat about the weather, and then for some people it's like a really long and meaningful talk... And then for others, everything is meaningless and snakes are suddenly very interesting"

Louis nodded "Niall's right. I need my conversation though..."

And I need my classification I thought. I need to know who you are, who you really are... Where do you fit in? It was driving me crazy... Or maybe it was his eyes driving me crazy, he was staring into space, his blue eyes seemed to just dig into me, pulling at me.

I realized that I had begun staring at him. I needed to stop or I might just become obsessed. He wasn't that big of a deal, just because I couldn't classify him didn't mean he had to ruin my life. Or maybe I wanted him to ruin my life?

Eventually someone actually came over to our table to take our order, we told them what we wanted, told them to only bring one for Niall (Not four) and then continued talking.

"So we have a lot of classes together?" Louis asked "I haven't even had a chance to look at my schedule for next week."

"We have all but one class together"

"Well I'll be looking forward to having class with you, we should sit together at lunch"

I thought about the previous day "Lunch is way too short... Why would they have a fifteen minute lunch break when we have to stand in line for twenty?" Niall said

"Bring your own lunches, it'll save you time. Also, in my experience there's one or two days of the week where you'll have a free block that overlaps with lunch, we have an open campus so you can go downtown for lunch on those days. Or another thing is you can snack throughout the day and then eat when you get home... Really it depends on the day."

"But the food is actually good at this school"

"If the line consists of less than six people then you can eat the school lunches, otherwise you're screwed on time and have to get a pass"

Louis was really smart... Something about the way he spoke made me warm and fuzzy inside.

"So what's the deal with the passes?"

"If you know you're going to be even a few minutes late, then you should get a pass before you go to your next class, because those stairs are killer."

As the pizza got delivered to out table I had to force my eyes away from Louis, who I had been staring at, running my eyes up and down his face, trying to understand him. We dug in with a ravenous appetite, I hadn't eaten anything all day. We finished, and before we could ask for the waitress to box up our leftovers, Niall finished off what was left of our food. How was the kid still so fit? Just teenage boy metabolism or something? He didn't look like the type of person that worked out...

Louis just laughed it off as he stood up.

"I should probably get going now" He said "I've got essays and shit"

I nodded "So about that conversation?" I asked


"When is that going to take place so I can make time for it?"

"Look, it's not something that you schedule. It'll happen when if happens"

I just nodded awkwardly again, as Louis left the pizza place.

Two Dimensions (Larry Stylinson)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora