2 | The Life of Claudette Lowe

Start from the beginning

My eyes landed on two figure. One of them was the woman from earlier and the other ... was the woman who I met at the restaurant yesterday!

Let me tell you, she's not the same person she was yesterday! Oh God, she's so serious! What should I do?!

"Please have a seat." Mrs. Rafaela offered.

"Introduce yourself." Miss Maya's voice almost startled me.

"My name is Claudette Lowe. I am 25 years old. I used to go to United University and graduated with honors in accounting and finance. I am married for 5 years and I have a daughter aged 8 months."

Miss Maya looked up to me.

"I see. Here stated that you worked for Monolith Group for a year and a half before they fired you. Care to explain why they fired you?" I knew it!

Interviewers always asked that kind of question. This is how every single one of them turns me down.

"It was my own wrongdoing for trusting an intern to do a very important job. In the end, my superior decided to fire me from my job because they thought I am incompetent in making a simple decision. That intern replaced me apparently." Miss Maya's eyes widen.

"So, let me get this straight. They fired you because the intern did something unnecessary and let the intern taking your old position?" I nodded. That basically what happened.

They both suddenly laughed at me.

"We're sorry. But, it's expected from Amber though. Letting such people work in her company like that! I bet her father really proud of her for doing such thing." Miss Maya said with a laugh.

They seem to know the CEO.

"Back to business. If you were to be selected among all who came today, what will you able to give back to the company?" Mrs. Maya asked.

"I may not have enough experience but I am diligent and a hard worker. I don't mind working an extra hour and I have no problem being yell at for my mistake." No, respond at all. This is bad, really bad.

"To be honest, I am impressed with your performance in Monolith Group. This is one of the best I've seen today. Graduated with honors and letter of recommendation from your past lecturers, you must be the best student they have ... "Miss Maya dragged on.

"What do you think Claire?" Mrs. Rafaela suddenly asked someone named Claire. Who's Claire?

Suddenly, the television at the wall showed a woman looking straight at me.

"She's the best among all who came today. I like her attitude and determination. Let's hire her." Wait, what? They want to hire me?!

"Well, Claire just gave us the okay. Oh, meet Miss Claire Arcan, the CEO of Clemonte Corporation." Miss Maya introduced us.

"Welcome to Clemonte Corporation, Mrs. Claudette Lowe." The CEO welcomed me. I can't believe this! They actually hired me!

"So that makes it 4 new accountants and auditors. I can't believe we manage to find these 4 outstanding people to be part of our team." Miss Maya smiled at me.

"Your basic salary will be $6000. If you manage to do wonders, your salary will increase as well. I hope you can start by tomorrow." $6000? That's more than what I get at my old job.

"Yes! Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!" I thanked them all. This is great! I finally landed a decent job for once!


"How was your interview?" The babysitter asked me when I waltz in the daycare center.

"I got the job! I never knew it will go this splendidly! The top brass around here really is the best." The babysitter chuckled.

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