2 | The Life of Claudette Lowe

Start from the beginning

"Yes, this is the address alright." I got out from the car together with Herminia.

"Here." He handed my files and certificate.

"Please, get the job." That's his word of encouragement?! What a husband he is.

"Alright Herminia, let's do this!" I could just hear Herminia's little voice encouraging me.

To my surprise, there's a lot of women coming to work together with their kids here. It's just, where is it actually? Should I just follow the workers who're with their child? Or is there a protocol to follow?

"Excuse me, Umm, I'm sorry but where is the daycare center?" I asked the receptionist.

"Hello, welcome to Clemonte Corporation. I'm sorry for asking this but, are you a client or someone who work here?" She asked.

"I'm here for an interview. Miss Maya Abbot said I can leave my child in the daycare center." She smiled.

"Oh, you're here for the interview? I'm sorry. The daycare center is on the second floor. Once you reach the second floor, go to the counter and tell them that you're here for the interview in Miss Maya's department." I thanked the receptionist and went to the elevator.

"The second floor please." The woman standing next to button smiled at me.

"First day here?" She asked.

"No, I'm here for an interview."

"Oh, for the accounting department?" I nodded. She's pretty though.

"How old is she?" She asked about Herminia.

"She's 8 months old." Seems like she's fond of children.

"I have a daughter myself. She's 2 years old. My boss likes to call her little gremlin though since my daughter likes to pour any kind of food on her head." I gasped.

"She did that to your boss?! It must be nerve wrecking." She chuckled.

"Nah, she's okay with it. My boss is a good person. By the way, my name is Luna." Luna? That's a nice name for such a beautiful woman.

"I'm Claudette." She seems surprised for a moment but gave me a smile. The elevator door opens and I thanked her for holding it for me.

"Good luck." She said before the door closes. There's a lot of nice people in this company.

"Hello." I smiled at the person behind the counter.

"Hello, welcome to the daycare center. May I help you, ma'am?" I explained to her my situation and she gladly took Herminia from my hands.

"Miss Maya mentioned your name to us earlier. Good luck with your interview ma'am." I feel bad for not paying her for taking care of Herminia though.

I wave at my daughter before going to the elevator again. I waited but then I realized something crucial. Which floor should I go for my interview?!

When the elevator door opens, a woman with twins came out and she seems like she's ready to yell at everything. I was scared but I need to know which floor though. Ugh, come on Claudette, you can do this!

"Excuse me, ma'am." The woman stopped walking towards the daycare and turned to face me.

"Yes?" She actually replied me!

"Which floor should I go for my interview with Miss Maya Abbot?" I was scared when she didn't show any facial expression.

"I was planning to meet Maya myself. Could you wait for me? I want to send my sons to the daycare first." I nodded. She gave me a small smile.

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