Chapter 3

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  They kissed every time they met, hiding from other peoples' eyes. After they kissed lightly many, many times, it felt insufficient so their kisses became deeper and deeper. 

When he wrapped his tongue around the man's, he wanted to know more about deep inside of him. He wanted to see and hold everything about him. More, more. Like a spoiled child, he wanted more. He didn't know that love would make one so greedy.

He had a date with the man in the afternoon. So as soon as his Saturday afternoon classes were over, Kouchi grabbed his bag and stood up. 

But someone stood in his way so he couldn't hurry out.

"Just give me few seconds."

It was Endou. Until recently he thought her huge eyes were the cutest thing in the world, but now they just looked dumb. 

He learned that there were eyes that made his heart beat much more faster than hers ever could

"Sorry, but I'm busy."

Thus refusing, he stepped aside. However, he stopped when he felt her clutching at him. Thin fingers were tightly holding on to Kouchi's elbow.

"Did you promise to hang out with someone?"

"Uh, yeah. I'd feel bad if I made them wait."

Endou stared into Kouchi's eyes.

"Who are you meeting?"

He told her that he was busy, but ignoring him, Endou got closer to Kouchi. The girl in front of him was starting to really annoy him.

"What's it to you? You don't know them, Endou."

"You're going to meet Mr. Takahashi, aren't you?"

She suddenly got right into the heart of the matter. No one should know about this secret. He didn't tell even Kakimoto that the man was their school's teacher. He couldn't lie for few minutes. Kouichi stared at Endou's forehead as if he wanted to bear a hole into it. His throat felt dry.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"You shouldn't lie. I saw you last time."

He was scared to hear exactly what she saw. What did she find out? Endou innocently smiled.

"I saw Sensei and Satomi kissing. You guys were at Maebashi Park the night before, right?"

Kouichi grabbed Endou's arm and left the classroom. He dragged her to the northern stairway, where people rarely came. There were still people left in the classroom, and others might hear them.

"So you guys ARE going out. The person who sent you that letter was Sensei, right? Why didn't you tell me?"

She pretended that she was mad, but she was laughing a little. Endou lightly glared at Kouchi.

"Just what made you change your mind to go out with a guy? Or did you always swing that way, Satomi?"

Endou's blunt words caused pain in his heart. Of course he wouldn't like a man. He came to love him because it was HIM. He couldn't help but be attracted to him.

"Tell me. You've lied to me, so I think I have the right to hear it."

"I don't want to talk about it," he shortly replied. Endou wanted to hear it half-jokingly. Her eyes were full of interest. Just what did she want to do after hearing his story? Or did she just want to be entertained? The thought made him pissed off. Endou sighed when Kouichi clammed up.

"Okay. If Satomi won't tell me, then I'll go ask Sensei."

"Hold on a second."

He grabbed Endou's wrist when she turned. She's going to ask that man? That's not even funny. He knows nothing about Kouchi being a student, nor the fact that Kouichi already knew about his lies. If he learned the truth this way, even HE would be angry.

"No, let me go! You're hurting me!"

He didn't let go of her arm.

"Don't even think about asking him. If you do that, I'll NEVER forgive you."

"What's with you? Looking all scary like that. What's wrong with wanting to hear what happened?"

"Anyway, just don't."

Endou sniffed.

"Oh, wow, you're SERIOUS about this. That's kind of sick. Doesn't it feel disgusting to kiss with a guy?"

It felt like someone whacked his head. At first Kouichi thought it would be really sick, too. But he really, really wanted to kiss him, so he couldn't do anything about it. 

He easily crossed his own taboo. He kissed him because he loved him. He never questioned that logic. But from Endou's point of view, men kissing each other was nothing but disgusting. She'd never understand how Kouchi felt.

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