Chapter 12: Stranger

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I sat bolt upright, panting, whimper's escaped my lips.
"Lexie, Lexie... babe are you ok?" A concerned Ace asked, I felt his hand on my back and relaxed somewhat, his worried expression seemed to be calming me down as well.
"Yeah... yeah... I'm fine." I answered, trying to run my hand through my knotty hair, key word trying, I must look like shit right now.
"Are you sure? You were screaming in your sleep." He whispered leaning his chin on my shoulder, I hesitantly nodded, avoiding his green gaze.
"Bullshit." Ace tucked my hair behind my ears and wrapped an arm around my waist, we lay back down, I rested my head on his chest.
I felt his lips press against my head, this simple movement sent shivers throughout my body, this time, Dad was chasing me through the house and every time I turned to see him running toward me with a knife, I would not be able to run and he would stab me. This repeated itself over and over. But I wasn't ready for Ace to know.
"Just a night-mare." I whispered into his chest, burying my face and trying to squeeze the images out of my mind.
"Your Dad?" It was as if he could read my mind. I mumbled and turned to see his face, his eye was indeed a deep purple, he had a cut under his eye that looked as if it had bled during the night.
"How is your face?" I asked, tracing a finger along his jawline and circling a bruise on his cheek, his chest was warm and smooth, he had a bruised torso but something told me it would heal quickly.
"Handsome as always." He smirked, I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.
"Not sure the mirror would say the same thing." I replied, a smirk of my own fixed on my lips, I glanced at the time and groaned inwardly when I saw that it was only 5 in the morning
"What's wrong princess?" Ace grinned at me.
"Don't call me princess, muhammad ali." I told him. I was astounded at how he had recovered so quickly after his performance last night.
Last night.
The events of the previous night came flooding back to me, was I dreaming when he said he was falling in love with me? I must have been.
I dragged myself out of bed, ignoring Ace's protests, I pulled my door open to find nothing but an empty corridor. Well what were you expecting? Dad.
I shook my head as if that would clear my mind, it obviously did not work, but I tried to keep myself focused so I would forget, yeah like that's gonna happen...
Sometimes I hated that random voice in my head. Especially when it was right.
"Where are you going?" I heard Ace whisper from my bed.
"Bathroom, got a problem with that?" I snapped.
"Gee ok, I was just askin'." He was a bit hung over so I let him sleep while I made my way to the bathroom.
Oh, pleasant. Now I know why I've been feeling odd the last couple of days and why I've been so grouchy. Aunty Flo had arrived right on schedule.
Too right.
Better that the alternative...
I scooped up my phone and pressed it to my ear, "Hey Bitch." Jessica said cheerfully from the opposite end of the line.
"Hey." I replied, trying to sound happy and failing miserably, if it were anyone else, they wouldn't have noticed, but I guess I've just known Jess too long.
"What's Ace done." She said immediately, I could almost hear the frown in her voice.
"Nothing, I just dropped him home, he's been instructed to stay in bed by my Mum."
"Well, I think we both know he won't do that." Jess replied, she sighed but I could hear the cheek in her tones.
"So why'd you call?" I asked, trying to change the subject.
"You first, What's bummin' you out?" She persisted.
"Umm..." I wanted to confide in my Bestie but for some reason, I felt like I couldn't tell anyone. "Just school stuff, and womanly matters." I sighed instead, fiddling with the hem of my shirt as I lay on the couch.
"Ohh, yes well, if only we could use that old chestnut to get out of P.E." Jess replied.
"Jess, we don't do P.E." I muttered, though I couldn't help the smile that crept onto my face.
"I know, I was being strange." She said, her cheerful mood hadn't dulled.
"So, what's the occasion?" I said, shutting my eyes and listening to Jessica ramble on about this trip she was going on with her Mum and Dad, and about how she didn't know what to pack and what the fashion was like over there ect... I 'mhm'd and 'yep'd but I wasn't really listening, I sort of blocked her out after something about a new fur coat. I was thinking about the only thing that seemed to occupy my mind these days... Ace...
Did he mean what he said last night? I'm falling in love with you... it's been about... a month? Two? But he was drunk right? He had no idea what he was saying... but what if he was confessing something? I needed to talk to him, although he probably won't remember it, of course he won't he was fucking drunk. I sigh and prop my legs on a pillow that sits comfortably on the couch, "Helloooo? Are you there? Were you just abducted by aliens? Are you dead?" Jessica broke into my thoughts from the other side of the line.
"Wha... huh? Yes, I'm here sorry.." I reply awkwardly.
"You weren't listening to any of that were you..." she says more as a statement than a question, I am about to lie and say I was listening when my Mum walks in.
"Lexie hang up now." She says firmly.
"Now." She walks towards me, I subconsciously tell Jess I'll call her back and hang up, frowning at my Mum's terrified expression.
"Lexie, call Ace and tell him to get here as soon as he can." She says, I gulp.
"Wh-why?" I whisper.
"There's a man outside that doesn't look friendly. He has been staring at our house for about an hour now."
"Shouldn't we call the police?" I ask, I then had to remind myself she didn't know anything about the gangs.
"No, I don't want to incase it's nothing."
"Then why Ace?" I frown at her in confusion.
"We need a strong male presence, not that I'm saying women aren't strong, just that well... we aren't." She shrugged. Trust my Mum to bring in the whole 'sexes should be equal' thing, I wasn't against it, I hated the gender imbalance as much as the next person, but I didn't know why she felt the need to point it out in a time of fear.
"What about Mick?" I ask shakily, Mum and Mick had been catching up in the kitchen while I'd been in the lounge.
"He's still in the kitchen." She said, I knew Mum had picked up on the tension between us this morning but she had figured it was something to do with Dad. It wasn't, I was still pissed off from when he had verbally attacked my boyfriend the night before. I stood up and rushed to the kitchen window, there leaning on a lamp post, was the same guy Ace had been fighting when I found him.
"I'll call Ace." I uttered, swallowing the lump in my throat, feeling my Mum's presence behind me, my voice a lot steadier than I felt, I tore my eyes from the man and focussed on my phone.
My Mum stood patiently as the dial tone rang out.
"Hey Lex." Ace's voice sounded, I felt so relieved, I nearly felt happy. Nearly.
"Hey, umm there is a man outside our house, it's the same one from the other day..." I almost whispered as if the man outside might hear, my heart was beating loudly in my ears.
"I'll be there in 10. Don't move." He says firmly, hanging up immediately.
"He's coming." I whisper, lowering the phone from my ear.
"Who." Mick's voice came from behind me.
"Ace. The guy you verbally abused last night." I replied through gritted teeth, turning my back on the window.
"He was over last night?" Mum piped up, "and what did you say Mick?"
"He was in a bit of... trouble... and Mick practically..." I was cut off by my brother.
"He got beat up, he was also drunk. Then he went into Lexie's room and they did god knows what."
"Slept." I mumbled, avoiding my Mother's accusing stare. I didn't like fighting with my brother, I felt like my family had been through enough without me and Mick at each other's throats, but sometimes he was just so unbearable and so intolerable I wanted to punch him.
I turned and checked out the window again, the man was still standing there, he had his eyes fixed on my car, and suddenly it made sense.
He'd tracked my car.
I gasped out loud.
"What is he gone?" Mum exclaimed, I could tell she was scared, she always wore a brave face, though there were times I could see right through it, like now.
"No..." I gulped again, feeling tears in my eyes, "but I know why he's here..." the words came out bearly audibly but I knew they heard it.
"Why?" Mick muttered, as if he didn't care, though I knew my brother too well to fall for his tough guy act, he was scared shitless right now.
"He attacked Ace. And must have tracked my car. He's here for revenge." I answered, not moving my gaze from the man.


Hey hey peeps, bit of a cliffhanger... sorry I haven't updated in AGES! Ive been pretty busy, I have a loose plot but I'll take any suggestions on board, so all u ghost readers
Plz leave a comment or 2 of constructive critisizm or a suggestion for a character or the plot. As always THANK YOU for reading and for voting some of u! I really appreciate it and it makes me happy!!!! I cant believe i have nearly 130 reads! For me thats pretty nuts!!!! Thankyou guys!!!😙👌❤💜💛💚💙💗💖💕💓💘💟💞

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