Chapter Five

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He was kind of out of it for the next few days, but after that he was fine. He adjusted to it. Annabeth was trying to be more likable, but Percy really didn't care. Hazel and Frank got over it, which meant Jason basically had to.

Frank had noticed that Percy was a little more quiet or clingy to me than usual on like the second day and he asked me if he was okay and I said yeah, he's just adjusting to not having attention and it's weird. He was told some stuff and he was self conscious for a few days.

But he was doing better now. Just keeping to himself and us. Like he does in school.

After about a week, they announced the musical and nobody was expecting it. Summer production or whatever.

"What... They have plays here?" Percy didn't even know about it.

"Yeah!" Annabeth explained to us as we looked at the info for it. "We've always had one. When shit got bad though, it was kind of put off and now they're back at peace, it's back! They're always fun. We perform on the last day for parents and families and sometimes gods come for shits and giggles. It's fun. I don't do it, I help with like financial stuff and whatever else. Apollo kids and volunteers are left in charge of the set. We have an older demigod come in to direct it and cast, too. He's cool."

In a whole 'I'll do if you do it' deal, Leo and Percy signed up.

Of course, they got shit for it the rest of the day. That is, until the auditions.

Leo did pretty good, I wouldn't be surprised if he got a minor roll. This was more rapping. It was... I think was a more historical musical, but it wasn't Les Mis. Newer. Hamilton. I didn't know who he was.

I'm Italian, what did you expect?

Percy killed it, though. He did the lead as a sort of joke. He didn't think he'd be given the lead.

He was given the lead.

Clarisse played the girl he was married to.

So I was excited for this.


"I didn't know you cared for theatre," Clarisse remarked as we were getting fitted for costumes and given scripts before we went through a rough run through. 10 hour practices with two hours off in the middle for lunch.

Yeah. I was excited.

"Well considering I've never been around for one of these," I told her as they started to measure my thighs. "That would make sense. I love acting, I do it all the time in school. I've never gotten a lead before, though. I'm not a part of the elitists, so I don't have much of a chance at the top like five roles. I didn't peg you for a show girl, either."

"My dad loves Broadway," Clarisse told me, shrugging. "I grew up with it. He always comes to the shows, it's nice. He's been anxious for another one. He was excited when I told him I got the female lead. Chris won't shut up about it, so... He's jealous of you. He actually told me that."

I laughed.

"I don't think he has to worry." I remarked, finding humor in that. "Being I'm, you know, gay. Nico can vouch for me if he needs to."

"I'll let you tell him that." She told me, having a plan. "He'll find out. When he gets here in like August for it."

I laughed again and they told me I was good to get a script.


Come the end of the summer, we, along with anyone we would like to bring with, were invited to a play at Camp. A musical, actually.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Mar 21, 2018 ⏰

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