Chapter Three

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We we're nervous, we we're excited, and we were aware that we we're going to cry.

Camp told us Percy would he coming home today, but they didn't give a time. So we set up stuff for his birthday and spoiled his presents because he's been gone and he also missed Christmas.

I hope he brings some friends. At least Grover.

As is like mandatory after a summer visit, we had his normal check up and then a psychological check up for next week. So hopefully those go well. Hopefully he's not like crippled too bad.

My parents were finally able to come here and meet Percy. They didn't make the wedding, sadly. They do live in Europe, though. I'm from Europe, the UK, but I came here in college.

So my moms were here and it was nice. They have met Sally, the summer we got engaged we went there for like a week. It was nice.

They were excited. Today would be the worst day to find out Percy's homophobic. Meeting my to Mom's.

It's not like my dad died and one of them is my step mom. No, they did a bone marrow thing so I'm both of theirs biologically and it's hard to explain, but they're my moms and I love them. Mum and Mére, Mom in French being I'm like half French and half English.

Yes, I am fluent in French. And Spanish. And I know Italian, too. My uncle lives in Italy so he taught me a lot of it. I learned Spanish in school, and I was bilingual by the time I was like 5 being French and all.

Percy got home and we surprised him and he seemed to enjoy it. He brought a few others with. Grover and Nico, of whom I knew. But we got to meet Leo and Jason. Jason was Thalia's brother, Leo was Leo. He seemed interesting.


I stopped worrying about Paul being homophobic when I saw he had two moms.

They were really nice, though. And with the others now knowing that I'm gay because I stopped caring about not being out to them and then Nico not having a say in being out, we could kind of do couple things and that was nice.

I mean, shit, I introduced him to Paul's parents as my boyfriend so that's how I came out to my parents.

It was such a relief to be home again, though. To be able to talk to my mom and to Paul just about whatever was so nice. I missed them a lot.

My dad never did show up, but for like the first year, I didn't care. It's his loss. If he wants to be a dead beat, that's fine. I have Paul and my mom and they're so much better than he ever will be.

The others stuck stuck around until like 5. Paul's parents helped clean up and we here until 7, which is when Nico and I went out for dinner. Promising my mom we'd come back for dessert.

And it's not like it was fancy. We went to McDonald's and got a ton of food before going to a remotely empty park and setting out a blanket. Eating, talking, being dorks.

He's so cute in his street clothes, though. Hot, too. But he looks really nice in them. Sure, he looks cute in camp clothes.

But shit, his skinny jeans were hot.

I'm a hormonal teenager, okay,? At least I don't get hard just by looking at him. I'm entitled to think he's hot, though.

He's like my boyfriend, after all.

"Hey, Nico." I asked, thinking about this with me and bit more now. "When did you realize that you were gay?"

He had to think back a while.

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