14 | Lava Flow

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Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

"Is it Theo?" He asked, to my surprise.

"What?" I blinked at him, almost shivering to the warmth that his hands were offering mine in the space between us. He had his hands clasped around mine and his eyes on mine.

"You two seemed uncomfortable with each other last time so I just thought.."

"Yes," I admitted.

"So this is about him?" The curiosity was seemingly burning in his expression, but I also sensed a little discomfort. Poor Alex. This was his friend after all.

"He was the one who helped me build my client list," I admitted, with shame in my eyes as I looked away. "He was my first client."

Alex remained silent, and while I knew he was trying to be supportive and a good listener, the lack of reaction only made me squirm. I needed to know his thoughts about this, but I also needed to get it all out.

"Why didn't you say anything that first weekend-"

"At his wedding?" I cut him off. "Yes, Alex, I'm sure he'd be thrilled to let his friends and family meet his former whore."

"Don't say that," he warned me, "Don't call yourself that. You know you're not just what you do."

"I was to him," I sighed heavily as I looked away, anywhere but into his eyes, "Although, there was a time I thought I was more to him."

"So it wasn't strictly business between the two of you," he inferred.

"I don't think it ever was, not with how he treated me," I admitted, feeling a lump in my throat, forcing tears to well up in my eyes. "Other than you, he was... the only client I've offered the girlfriend experience to."

"So you've..."

"Met his family and friends, yes. That's why I couldn't stay at that wedding."

"What happened between the two of you?" I could tell his curiosity was intensifying and I couldn't decide if that was good or bad. Maybe he wanted to know so that we'd be completely honest with each other as a couple. Or he wanted to know the exact reason he'll have to leave me for. The muscles under the nape of my neck burned with stress, the tension boiling violently in my veins.

At this point, it was like dangling my heart above a sharp cliff.

Or maybe it's been there for awhile.

I always knew dating a client would be risky, especially after what happened with the first one. But then again, Alex was different. He's kind and loving.

Unfortunately, I also thought Theo was different.

"We were..." I hesitated to admit the unspoken, "almost a couple. It was like the fact that he paid me to be around was ignored for the most part. I never really admitted it with him, but our relationship back then surpassed that of pretension. We even lived together."

The Girlfriend Experience ✔Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum