part 2

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You and your team sat down waiting for JNPR match to start.

Y/n: You know, I wonder who is gonna win?

Yang: You'll have to wait and see.

Y/n: Yeah, but all this waiting is making so impatient.

Yang: Well I'm just about the same here as you.

Y/n:Hey guys, I'm just go for a bit.

Yang:Don't be gone too long.

Y/n:I'll not to.

Next scene.

You meet up with Ozpin.

Y/n:For me to get stronger, um gonna need a new teacher. Do know someone which should be a good teacher to me?

Ozpin:Not yet, maybe if you give me more time.

Y/n: Okay, but could you go on and give some more answer on why did you call me here?

Ozpin: It's because I see some great potential in you. I really do. And I know that you would make such a fine Huntsman.

Y/n: I know that but I just don't know I even got what it takes.

Ozpin: I'm sure that you do. I'm sure that you would do so well and keep the rest of humanity safe. That is what I see in you.

Y/n: I see that you see so much in me as whole and I'll keep trying and keep getting better.

Ozpin: Good because I see a young boy who is determined to keep giving it his best and keep doing all so that he could prove that he could make the world a better place.

Y/n: Well, I guess that is something that is right about me. I won't let you down.

Ozpin: Good, you are dismissed.

Next scene.

You sat down next your team.

Y/n:Hey guys, did I miss anything?

Yang:No, the match is about to start.

The match had suddenly begun as team JNPR and BRNZ rushes at each other.

Y/n:Man, this battle is gonna be fun. So do you guys really think Jaune is gonna do good.

Weiss:Well he has improved.

Yang:I'm pretty sure he'll be fine.

Y/n:Well lets just hope that's true.

You watched the match. You saw a guy electrocuted Ren making him fall to the ground.

Y/n:(In your mind) He better hope he didn't hurt Ren too bad, or else he will be dealing with rage of Nora.

Nora swing her hammer at the boy and he dodged and hit Nora in the stomach with his lightning weapon, but she was smiling evilily showing that she wasn't affected by it.

Profesor Port(over microphone):Oho, looks like one of my favorite students,Nora Valkyrie is charging up to use her semblance.

Y/n:Now he's really in for it.

You started to feel bad for the guy.

Oobleck:Yes, miss Valkyrie's semblance let her produce, as well as channel, electrical energy straight to her muscles. This allows her to jump explosively in the air, wield her might hammer, or in the case, absorb Nolan's attack and send the young man flying.


Nolan looked at Nora in shocked. Nolan raised up his hands in surrender, but Nora hit sending him flying a giant rock shattering it.

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