Author's Note

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I think I might know what you're thinking, "ughhh! An author's note, these are SO ANNOYING!" And then you proceed to skip this part, but if you stuck around THANKS!! You're real sweet and if you didn't, you're about as sweet as a lemon.


So this is my first try at a story/book, especially Leico, but I'm gonna try it. *WARNING* This will most likely be shit. So prepare yourself!! That being said, let's get this thing started!! Read the first chapter, if you like it be sure to tell me in the comments below because I won't know if you don't tell me, I'm not a mind reader (or am I?) For now the name of the story is L is for... it may change to the L word (but that's a tv show and yeah) If you have a better name for this story then just let me know, I'm more than happy to take suggestions! That being said, I love you so much bye!

L is for.... (Leico Valdangelo/ GhostFire)Where stories live. Discover now