Anger, Fights and Surprises

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 If you read the teaser that was posted before this chapter, then you've probably already read the first part of this chapter. I'm sorry that I haven't posted, but I was brain dead for a while, then I got in a car wreck and fractured my yea. Without further or due, here is the next chapter....enjoy! :)



"I'm so happy to be FREEEEEEEE!!!!!" I yell earning strange looks from some kids who looked about 12 being shown around by Annabeth. They're dressed exactly alike, both wearing khaki shorts and light green collard shirts with brown sandals. If the girl didn't have boobs, braided hair, and girly sandals, you wouldn't be able to tell them apart. Even right now, their facial expressions matched clearly thinking "Who is that weird creepy guy and why is he in our presence?" I shiver involuntary; needless to say these twins were straight out of the shining, or like the henchmen twins from Matrix. (*A/N: DON'T KNOW WHO THOSE PEOPLE ARE CHECK THEM OUT HERE: OK, BYE NOW!!*)

I walk towards Bunker 9, maybe some Leo time will shake off my creeps. I picture the inside of Bunker 9 in my mind and in a few seconds I'm there. I start walking over to were Leo is to see what he's working on when Leo yells "STOP!!!" waving his hands in the air rapidly.

"You can't be in here!!" He yells

"Why not?" I reply curiously raising an eyebrow now even more anxious to see what Leo was working on. But as soon as I take a step I'm shocked!! I feel like I'd just jumped into a cold shower under the nozzle, my muscles start tightening and I can't move.

Eventually though, the taze wore off and I awake to Leo poking my face.

"Are you alive?" He said, his big brown eyes filled with worry.

I quickly slap his hand away. "OWWWWWWWIIIIIEEEEE!!!" He howls with pain and I laugh. "That wasn't funny!!" He starts to pout, his lip quivering, "AWE!" I say

"Is little Leo hurt?" He nodded his head in reply. "Well how can I make it better?"

"You could....kiss me." He says in a baby voice.

"Well I could do that, if we WEREN'T OUTSIDE ON THE WET GROUND." I fuss and with that I get up off the ground and try to run inside but I'm stopped mid step by Buford.

"What is this?" I ask.

"Oh that's my body guard, Buford. You remember him right? From the Argo 2?"

"I know who it is, what I don't know is why I can't come in."

"It's a surprise!!" Leo says as he jumps up and down clapping his hands. Sometimes I really doubted this kids sanity.

"Fine, I guess I'll GO." I turn my back and start walking "...away now...not knowing what the surprise I go.....into the forest...all alone...with no one to kiss me goodbye..."

I feel Leo kiss me on the cheek and say bye but by the time I turned around, the door to the Bunker was slammed and I could hear it lock. And with that I shadow traveled back to me and Hazel's cabin, got into bed and closed my eyes.


I haven't seen Leo in weeks and every time I try to visit him in the bunker, he shoos me away or acts busy. Why is he doing this? He missed New Years, but he seemed genuinely happy at Christmas when he bought me some songs to put on my Z pod. Unless... Y'know what....I don't care, if he wants to ignore me instead of breaking up with me to my face then fine.

I run into my cabin, cut myself a few times, bandage them up, and lay down in my bed. I plug in my Z pod and let Bring me the horizon take me off the clouds of reality.

*2 days later*


I think Nico might be mad at me, I don't know why, but I can sense it. It's like every time I'm around him, his eyes light up like he's happy to see me, but then his whole expression changes to sadness, then anger. After that, he just shuts me out like he used to do before we were friends and it feels terrible because I'm working so hard on his surprise thinking about how much he'll love it, then I see him and he looks miserable. 

This continues for 3 more of my visits which is basically the few hours I spend outside the bunker for lunch. As I sit down at his lunch table, he begins avoiding my eyes every time I look his way. Finally, I just can't take it anymore.

"Nico, can you please come with me outside?" I ask in an aggravated tone.

"Whatever." He replies sounding annoyed. Why is he being such a dick? I left my table to come sit with him, and I haven't done anything wrong, unless he's still upset about Calypso. He isn't...he can't be... he knows it was a mistake and he told me he'd forgiven me. Why would he settle on that?! UGH!!  Once outside, I dash into the woods with Nico struggling to keep up, hoping to calm myself down a little by running. I stop abruptly; I'm a little calmer now, I think I can talk now. Wrong.


"What's MY PROBLEM?! What's YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM?! You've been staying in the bunker for AGES working on GOD knows what, and if ANYONE tries to see what you're working on you push them away like they've got a plague or something! You missed New Years and my birthday is January 28 that's in 2 DAYS LEO!!!! OR DID YOU FORGET THAT TOO?!!!"

His face is dark red and his dark brown eyes look almost black with furry, I'm about to reply but then it hits me, he's right. I was so focused on getting his surprise ready in time for his birthday, I'd totally isolated him. I lower my gaze and sit down, I feel terrible, how could I do that? I have to do something about this, I speed towards Nico fast and stop inches away from his face.

"You're absolutely right and I'm SO sorry, I'll have to make it up to will have the best birthday you've ever had, that's a promise."

"Leo, it'll be perfect as long as I'm with you."

"OM Jesus did you really just say that?" I say with a smirk

"I have a little cheesiness up my sleeve." he smiles and I pull him into a kiss.

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