Chapter 2

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AN: The original chapter 2 didn’t end here, but I like the cliffhanger so hopefully that’ll make you guys wanna see what happens next.

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Copyright © 2013 Bree Eischen


Chapter 2


When I heard those words, my heart just shattered. I began crying and crying, and I couldn’t say anything at all. Non-stop questions ran through my mind. Why would he want to break up with me? Did he have no interest in me anymore? Was I doing something wrong? Was there another girl?

That last thought was something I hated thinking about, but I couldn’t rule it out. Unfortunately, it was a very probable reason.

“It’s for the best. I’ve just been feeling extremely smothered by you lately, and we haven’t hung out in awhile and…yeah. So, I’m sorry.” I wasn’t sure what his tone sounded like. He could have been trying to sound cold or disinterested; I didn’t know.

What about the kiss we shared before I got out of the car that day? It was so amazing, and it made me feel like he wanted me and could never let me go. Why the sudden change of heart?

However, I didn’t have the capability to voice any of this. I just sobbed into the phone, unable to find my words. I seriously could not believe what he was telling me.

“Are you going to say anything?” he asked after a minute of listening to me bawl. I just cried some more in response. I couldn’t help it at all. Then, I heard the click of the phone on the other end.

He hung up.

That just made me feel even worse. I dropped my phone and let my head fall back onto my bed. When I turned over, I buried my head into one of my pink pillows and let it all out.

Eric and I had a great relationship going. Why did he decide all of the sudden to break up with me? It didn’t make sense at all. And what the hell was it going to be like when I went to school the next day and saw him? It was going to be so awkward. I thought about telling Bailey right away, but I didn’t want to disturb her from her fun…even though this was kind of a crisis.

Once I realized that I wasn’t going to calm down much sitting in my room, I decided to take a walk outside. I didn’t really care about the fact that it was dark or that some crazy guy could come and kill me; I just needed to get out of the house.

I put on a dark blue cheer hoodie over my black cami and kept on my grey cotton shorts. Even though it was the end of September and the fall weather was supposed to kick in, it wasn’t too cool outside that night. I figured I could still wear my shorts and just wear a hoodie on top to keep me warm.

After sliding my feet into some navy blue flip-flops, I grabbed my phone and headed down stairs, making sure that the front door was locked so I could just go through the garage and not need my key.

The tears were still flowing down my cheeks, and I was developing a headache from all the crying, but I still wanted to go out. I needed to force myself to be calm.

I left my house through the garage, pressing the code on the key pad so that the door would close behind me and heading down the driveway to the sidewalk. It didn’t feel very late, but there was still barely anyone outside. No cars were driving around the neighborhood much and all the little kids were long inside after playing in their yards that afternoon and evening.

I headed towards the huge forest that was right in my backyard and only a short stroll from my house. There was a small path someone had cleared through it and I always liked to take my walks through there. A rather large open field was past the forest, and I had spent many nights there with Eric, just gazing up at the stars and holding each other. It made the tears begin all over again just thinking about the memories and knowing that I would never get to do that with him again.

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