Chapter 5

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AN: I’d REALLY like some more comments. It could be anything; just let me know how you like the story and how you think it’s going! That’d be great! Thanks, my loves :)

Copyright © 2013 Bree Eischen


Chapter 5


“Alright, alright! Nick, Adrian, you guys need to stop. Seriously. This is getting old,” Braden suddenly yelled at the two guys who were in the middle of trying to beat each other to a bloody pulp. I thanked Braden in my head for trying to stop them. I didn’t want to have to watch two grown men try to kill each other while I was eating.

When he realized that they weren’t listening to him, Braden got up out of his chair and went over to Nick, trying to pry him away from Adrian.

“Okay, okay! I’ll stop!” Nick uttered in defeat, breathing heavily from the physical activity and raising his hands in the air as a sign of surrender. He ran a hand through his blonde locks in frustration.

“Yeah, it’s not my fucking fault he wants to keep Little Miss Bitch around. We don’t need her. I don’t see why we have to keep her with us. It’s not like she’s fucking helping with anything. Nick, without knowing a damn thing about the truth, she’s useless. So, tell her or she better get up off her ass and make me a fucking sandwich or something.”

Adrian’s comments were really starting to piss me off, and I couldn’t take it anymore. I shot up out of my chair and started yelling at him as I moved closer and closer. I had to hold back a smirk when I noticed he was caught by surprise at my actions.

“Um, excuse me, but my name is Isobel. You have no right to call me a bitch. Plus, it’s not like I want to be here anyway. I want to get the fuck out of here, but Nick over here doesn’t seem to grasp that fact.” By this time, I was nearly flush up against him, poking a finger into his rock-hard chest through the fabric of his t-shirt. “And if you ever tell me that you want me to make you a sandwich again, I will make you one, take the stick that’s shoved really far up your ass right now, and use it to shove the whole damn sandwich down your fucking throat. Got it?”

Everyone was silent after my little outburst. Even Adrian wasn’t able to form words after that. I couldn’t help it though; he had really pissed me off. He completely deserved to be told off.

“Wow,” Tucker and Braden both uttered simultaneously, obviously in complete shock.

Adrian kept staring down at me, his brown eyes glistening darkly with anger. I held his gaze, waiting for him to say anything at all. I could tell he wanted to hit me or something, and I was quite surprised that he was able to hold back. I’m sure if I was a guy yelling at him like that, he wouldn’t hesitate before knocking me out.

“You’re lucky you’re a girl and that you have Alpha watching out for your well-being, sweetheart, but if you talk to me like that again, I don’t care; I’ll go against the rules and hurt you,” Adrian hissed with venom.

My eyebrows knitted in confusion.

Alpha?” I repeated, attempting to make sense of who this might have been. Was that a name or something?

“Great job yet again, Adrian,” Nick spat. “Did you have to mention Alpha?”

“Fuck off. I’m going out for a run.”

At that point, thankfully, the very tall guy left and the tension in the room seemed to die down some, but I still had a question for Nick.

“What was he talking about? Who is Alpha?” I asked, shaking my head and glancing up at Nick as I tried to make sense of it.

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