Chapter 8

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Copyright © 2013 Bree Eischen


Chapter 8


Night rolled around, and I still resided in Nick’s room of this new, strange house, lying on his rather large bed as I stared at the ceiling. I had basically been doing just that ever since my supposed “mate” brought me up there. Psh. Mate…who even referred to their significant others as “mates”? And why was I out of all the other girls out there in the world picked to be that werewolf’s mate?

I snorted.

Werewolves. Did they really believe they were these mythical shape-shifters who came out at night when the moon was full? Yeah, right. They were fucking crazy. I wasn’t going to believe anything unless I saw it with my own two eyes.

Then, there was Adrian. He no longer annoyed me—he scared me to death. He was the only one of them that truly frightened me at that point, despite all the information I had just learned from Xander. All those run-ins with him made me hope I’d never have to see him again. Who knew what he’d do if he got me alone somehow…

I shivered, unable to help that maybe that was only wishful thinking. Not only would I have to see the bastard again, but I would also have to continue living around those crazy men…or wolves? Whatever.

To top it all off, I was so confused, tired, and angry that I didn’t know what to do anymore. I felt unbelievably drained of all my energy. I was at my wits end. I felt like I could sleep for days on end, but I didn’t want to trust the guys downstairs with my vulnerable self.

I heaved a sigh and finally turned over on my side, facing a cream-colored wall. Nick’s bed was actually pretty comfortable, so much that I found myself kicking off my flip-flops and cuddling up in the fluffy blue comforter and matching pillows.

‘No, Izzy! You can’t like being in this room. It’s Nick’s. His perverse, apparently werewolf self wants you for the rest of eternity. You can’t trust him at all.’

‘You’re right, but what about those times over the last few days when he was really nice to me? Surely he’s not that crazy or selfish.’

‘Don’t think like that! You need to worry about finding a way out of this place and back home where you will once again be reunited with your family and friends.’

‘But, it’s like I’m drawn to him a bit. Sure, he’s probably sort of crazy, but something about him makes me want to jump his bones.’

‘No! If he really is a werewolf or if he’s just mentally unstable, he’s dangerous either way! You cannot think like that, you idiot!’

I shook my head to clear my thoughts. I was now turning into the crazy one.

I sighed again and tried to close my eyes and forget. Sleep looked extremely appealing at that moment.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door to Nick’s room. I sat up and looked over at it, confused. Was it Nick, or even Xander? I told whoever was there to come in, remaining cautious at the same.

To my surprise, it was Fiona. She closed the door behind her and glanced over at me, smiling shyly.

“I’m sorry if I disturbed you, Isobel. I was hoping to talk to you, if that’s alright.”

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