Chapter 13

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AN: This chapter should be an interesting one for you guys. Let me know what you think! Vote and comment please and thanks!

Copyright © 2013 Bree Eischen


Chapter 13


The next morning I woke up feeling better than I had in awhile. Barring the fact that I had been through things that no girl should ever have to go through, I felt fine. When the events of the previous night came to me once again, I couldn’t help but smile.

Speaking of Adrian…

I sat up and found him completely passed out right next to me on his bed. He looked so cute and even angelic with his eyes closed and his chest going up and down at a slow, steady pace as he slept. I felt like curling up next to him and falling back asleep, but I feared that would disturb him, so I decided to head downstairs.

Somehow, my clothes had found their way off of my body during the heavy make-out session that had gone on the previous night. I chose not to wear my old clothes, seeing as how I had been wearing them for who knows how long. I hoped that Xander and Fiona had a washer and dryer so I could at least wash and be able to wear my own clothes.

Instead, I went over to what appeared to be Adrian’s quite messy closet in his room and fished out some sweats and an over-sized t-shirt. I put the clothes on and left the room as quietly as I could, making my way down to the living room where I assumed Xander, Fiona, and the two boys would be.

When I got down there, however, it was just Xander sitting there in the living room watching some random show on TV.

“Good morning, Xander,” I greeted him.

“You sound unusually chipper this morning, Isobel. Are you feeling alright?” he asked, using the remote to turn down the volume on the TV so we could talk to one another.

“Of course I am…” My thoughts sort of drifted away as I thought about someone: Nick. I had completely forgotten the events that had occurred before the more enjoyable part of my night—me getting kidnapped by the Werewolf King, Nick being MIA for the longest time… “What about Nick? Have you found out anything yet?”

Xander sat up at bit straighter in his chair. “I contacted some ally packs around the area last night. Nobody has seen any sign of him at all…”

I heaved a shaky sigh. “What if he’s…d-dead?”

“Don’t think that yet, Isobel. We haven’t given up hope yet. The worst we should assume now is that he’s been named the King’s prisoner. If I hear more, I’ll be sure to let you know.”

“Okay,” I said simply.

Suddenly, there was a rumbling sound coming down the stairs.

“Adrian,” Xander greeted sternly. It definitely sounded as though he was still mad at Adrian for losing Nick the night before. I couldn’t blame him, but at the same time, it wasn’t entirely Adrian’s fault. It was probably mostly mine for wanting to go take a walk since I’d been cooped up in that house for so long.

“Are you still mad at me for something I couldn’t control, Alpha?” Adrian asked Xander smartly, heading over to sit on one of the couches near his leader. He even managed to pull me over and have me sit right next to him. It caught me by surprise.

It seemed Xander forgot about what he would have replied with to Adrian’s question when he saw that little display.

“So you lose Nick to the King but make sure to take real good care of his future mate? I’m so ashamed to be your Alpha right now, Adrian. Don’t you have any decency?”

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