Chapter Nine

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We arrived outside of the victims flat after a long cab ride. Sherlock practically jumped out before the cabbie had even fully stopped. I could tell he was beginning to become irritated by this case. I followed him inside and under the police tape in front of the stairs. I took the steps two at a time trying to keep up with his long strides.

"Sher, I'm short could you please slow down a bit?" I hollered.

Just as I had expected, I received no answer. Dimmock and John joined us in the living room where Sherlock was looking at an empty suitcase on the floor. I stepped beside Sherlock and took a look around, on the floor beside the suitcase was a black origami lotus flower.

"Look, Sherlock, it's just like the one you found in Van Coon's mouth," I told him.

I stood up and motioned for Dimmock to retrieve the flower for evidence. I walked around the cluttered living room, searching for anything else we might have missed. Several books were scattered around, the tables were completely covered. One of these was obviously our decoder. While I was examining the books Sherlock made his way into the kitchen. I saw him look out the window, he caught my eye and we both smirked. This was definitely done by our acrobat.

"Four floors up. That's why they think they're safe. Put a chain on the door and bolt it shut; think they're impregnable," he said.

He joined me in the middle of the room before he spoke again.

"They don't reckon for one second that there's another way in," he said.

I turned towards the stairs and noticed the skylight above the landing.

I nudged Sherlock and pointed in the skylights direction.

"I don't understand," Dimmock said, clueless.

Sherlock pulled me to the landing. "You're dealing with a killer who can climb," he told him.

I lifted myself up on a step stool so I could get closer to the skylight.

"What are you doing?" Dimmock asked, shocked.

I felt Sherlock's hands on my waist, keeping me steady. I ignored the blush creeping across my cheeks and focused on what I was doing.

"Liz please be careful!" John exclaimed.

I turn my face to look at him and sent him a wink before I turned back to what I was doing.

"He clings to the walls like an insect," I explained to them.

I unhooked the latch and lifted the window upwards.

"That's how he got in," I heard Sherlock tell them.

I wiggled out of Sherlock's grasp and lifted myself up and through the skylight.

"Elisabeth! What are you doing?" Sherlock hollered.

I ignored him and looked at the roof. I walked across the roof, imaging how he had climbed the side of the walls to access the skylight. I was actually quite impressed with his work. I heard the others still frantically hollering my name. I swear they think I'm made of glass. I walked back over to the skylight and sat down on the edge before lowering myself back down. Three anxious faces greeted me.

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