Chapter Two

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Thank you to everyone who's read and favorited this story. I appreciate it. Reviews and favorites keep me going. Without them, I tend to get discouraged. So please review as much as you'd like. Well enough of this, on with the story!

I sat in the taxi staring up at the seemingly ordinary brick building for far too long. The dark green door glistened menacingly in the rain. A restaurant next door called Speedy's sandwich shop was lit up and bustling with life. At least I'll always have good food nearby. As I sat there, totally chickening out, I noticed someone was standing at the window upstairs looking down at me. I suddenly realized how creepy I must look, just staring at the building.

"You know, nothing gets accomplished by sitting," the cabbie said, turning to look back at me, his crooked smile bright.

I finally took a good look at the balding man. He had gentle eyes and his smile was kind. My mind started deducing him, but I mentally slapped myself - deciding to see the man and not his imperfections. He was entirely right, the only way to move on was to get up and move forward.

"Thank you, Tom," I said slipping out of the cab.

I slammed the door shut behind me and chuckled at the shocked look on his face. Some people are too easy to rile. With a wink at Tom, I made my way to the front door. The gold knocker was slightly askew, I tilted my head and briefly touched the cool brass with a cocked brow. I could tell it was deliberate - probably to irritate someone. How odd. I reached out, fist clenched to knock but stopped, momentarily caught off guard. The paint around the door handle was chipped from multiple replacements. Well, that doesn't bode well. What kind of people live here?

Taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door with faux enthusiasm. Shuffling could be heard on the other end, as someone moved to answer my call. The smell of mince pies and the sound of violin music greeted me as an elderly woman in a well-loved blue apron answered the door.

"Can I help you dearie?" she said with a bright smile on her face. She was a lovely woman, even at her age, with blond hair and a gentle face. I instantly liked her.

"Hello, I'm Elisabeth Riley, a friend of John Watson - is he at home?" I asked, giving her a genuine smile.

"Oh that's wonderful, we don't get many social visits, do come in." My brows pinched together in confusion but I didn't have time to question what she has said, as she stepped outside and ushered me in, her warm palm pressing excitedly at my shoulder. "I'm Mrs. Hudson, the landlady, not the housekeeper," she said rather firmly.

I chuckled, snorting in a very unladylike manner. I sensed she said that quite often. The violin music was still playing with easy fluency, floating ethereally down the staircase. It was a beautiful melody I didn't recognize.

Mrs. Hudson noticed my interest. "That'd be Sherlock love, it sounds beautiful now, but not so much at two in the morning." She laughed exhaustedly. Even though she tried to sound exasperated, there was obvious love and endearment in her tone.

"John is just out getting the shopping, he'll be back soon, I'm sure. In the meantime feel free to join Sherlock." She gestured upstairs. "He could use the company, been without a case for a week now," she said with a slight grimace.

A case; was he some kind of Detective? I gave her a nod as I climbed the narrow steps. I was now grateful I'd taken the Valium at the airport. My nerves were frayed beyond belief. The door to the flat upstairs was already slightly ajar, so I decided I might as well head inside. I gently pushed the door open and was greeted with the sight of a tall man. He had messy black curly hair, and to my amusement, wore a dark blue dressing gown. He was standing in front of the window, his violin placed gently under his chin as he played. He slightly swayed to the melody, his eyes closed in concentration. I stood in the doorway allowing the music to wash over me, its sad melody brought unshed tears to my eyes.

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