vi. edward cullen re-vamped

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Warning: Adelec make out 😉

"Destiny it's calling me,
Open up my eager eyes,
'Cus I'm Mr. Brightside."


It was bright when Adelyn first forced her eyes open; blinking several times as the harsh colours gleamed into her eyes.

Sitting up with a slight groan as all the blood ran from her, realising some of the weight, looking around; it took her several seconds to process the factor that she was here, in the Institute, rather than being inside the City of Bones.

"Wakey, wakey," Isabelle prompted her teasingly, dark eyes looking into Adelyn's own golden ones, "not only have you got some serious explaining to do but we also need to be heading into the next room before your... sort of sister launches a full scale attack on New York's main Vampire clan."

"Clary's about to what?" Adelyn tiredly inquired as her eyes scanned the room, trying to ignore the constant pounding in her head from where she had obviously hit it.

"About to declare war on Camille's Vampire clan, little Fairchild," Jace informed her from the door, leaning against it's frame.

"It's not Fairchild," Adelyn informed them, seeing Jace, Isabelle and Hodge - strangely enough - circled around her, "it's Herondale. Adelyn Theresa Herondale; daughter of Scarlett Morgenstern - sister of Valentine - and Stephen Herondale. Though Mum or Jocelyn or whatever I should call her now called her Jemisha."

Hodge looked at her knowingly, "you look a lot like your father, Adelyn, and it certainly explains your golden eyes."

"How does-,"

"I hate to break this up," Jace stated, a frown upon his face, "but Clary is literally raising up arms right now."

Adelyn nodded, her problems could wait. Adoption or not, even though Adelyn was still Clary's cousin, Clary would always be Adelyn's older sister, "let's go."

"Should you be out of bed yet? Are you feeling okay?"

"Who cares?"

Truthfully, it was a no for she felt like her head was an egg that had just been cracked on the side of a glass, but there was no time to worry about her. Her sister was the priority.


Upon the mere sight of her Alec had pursed his lips and glowered at both herself, Izzy and Jace while Clary looked at anyone but her.

It wasn't long, however, before they all piled into the van; both Alec and Clary ignoring her.

It was all too easy to tell what had set Alec off, when he thought she didn't notice he sent worried looks to her head, staying near enough in which case if she were to fall he could easily catch her. She thought it was sweet, if he wasn't angry for her coming with the Suicide Squad who thought they could defeat hundreds of Vampires while she was injured.

Clary's attitude towards her hurt, however. She had been raised with Clary as her sister, they were sisters in all but blood; she had stood up for Clary against anyone who dared to call her 'carrot stick' or picked on her, despite Clary being a year older. And still, they were cousins.

But it seemed as if Clary did not share such views, choosing to stare off from the window and to ignore Adelyn's calls as if she did not exist. Adelyn truly hoped that Clary would warm up to the idea, or at least accept it.

Once they filed out Adelyn rolled her eyes at the location. Of course. A graveyard. One of the most creepiest places, in Adelyn's opinion, possible to be in.

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