iii. demon eyes

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"You build a house of cards,
But it's gonna fall."


"And then these creepy tentacles came out of the body builders face and... and then the guy just vaporised!" Clary exclaimed as she paced, Adelyn sitting on the sofa; head in her hands in disbelief, "I mean, we were both drugged, right?"

"What did the markings look like on the blonde and black haired boys you were talking about?" Adelyn raised her head to look at her mother in disbelief at her inquiry, of all the things she
could of asked about Adelyn killing someone it was about tattoos?

"Who cares, mum? Are you even listening to us?" Clary demanded, stress itched upon her face, "we think Adelyn killed a guy!"

"Girls... Did they look like this?" At her question Jocelyn brought a Steele up to her arm, scanning it over her arm and bringing a tattoo to the surface.

"Damn mum," Adelyn stated with a smirk, "you were a wild child."

Whilst Clary bit out in disbelief, "mum, what the..."

"Everything you two saw tonight," Jocelyn began, ignoring Adelyn's comment, "has a meaning and an explanation; and I've been dreading having this conversation since you - the both of you - were born."

"What is going on?" Adelyn questioned in frustration, barely holding onto the tears that threatened to fall down her cheeks she killed somebody. Her instinct was to kill somebody.

"Am I going insane?" Clary worriedly queried, both ignoring Adelyn's question.

"No you're not," Jocelyn reassured Clary adamantly, "but the protections are wearing off, you're eighteen now and you need to know the truth, you both do."

Jocelyn's eyes softened considerably as she saw tears streaming down the usually confident and mischievous Adelyn, believing that she had taken a human's life from them.

"Protections?" Clary questioned, not giving Adelyn's form a moment of her time, "what does that even mean? Mum you... mum you're scaring the hell out of me!"

"I know," Jocelyn stated, her voice raised as she tried to get through to her older daughter, "and that's why I put this off until the last possible minute."

It was then that Dot burst into the room, drawing the attention of all three Frays, "Jocelyn, look out the window. Magnus called to warn us. They found you."

Jocelyn rushed to the window; Adelyn following her in worry for her family, greeted with the sight of men coming towards their house, armed after getting out of a red car.

"Dot," Jocelyn called, "it's time."

"Okay, listen to me," Jocelyn informed her daughters, guiding Adelyn back to where Clary and Dot were listening to Jocelyn's every word, "you cannot be near me."

"What's happening?" Clary asked desperately as Jocelyn continued bustling about the room.

"I got a very powerful person angry," she informed them, running from side to side as she thought of ways out of her scenario.

Clary's eyes grew wide "what did you do?"

"I hid something from him and his followers," Jocelyn replied hurriedly.

"Followers? Why can't we just call the police?"

"The policeman you both need to call is Luke," Jocelyn told them both, leaving no question on that factor of the situation, Jocelyn spun Clary around and placed a purple necklace upon her neck, "keep this with you and think of me when you wear it."

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