ii. light saber dudes

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"All systems go, the sun hasn't died
Deep in my bones, straight from inside."

Staring at herself in the mirror Adelyn Fairchild analysed herself from side to side; smirking at the results.

The dress, while more provocative than something she would usually wear, was beautiful, hugging to her every curve and highlighting a bust she didn't know she had that much of.

Zipping up her leather jacket over the top and pulling leggings up over the little of the dress you could see from under it, ending at mid thigh, so that her mum wouldn't have her chance to see what she was wearing.

Heading out of the door she grinned at Clary who was rocking her black top as they headed in; Jocelyn Fairchild, though Fray as they knew now, sat staring at Clary's graphic novel drawings, clearly too distracted to notice Clary's top, which would normally have earned her a stare of disapproval.

"Hey Luke, what's up?" Clary questioned as she entered the room, both girls grinning at their father figure.

"Hey," Luke greeted them both before saying to Clary, "incredible drawings."

Clary smiled, "oh, thanks."

"And I got you these," Luke informed her, producing spray paints.

"They're perfect," Clary states in admiration whilst Adelyn gave their troubled looking mother a reassuring smile.

"If I catch any of that paint on city walls," Luke warned jokingly, "I will arrest you."

"The paint is for Simon's van," Clary stated, "I'm insisting they rename the band."

"Oh, yes, please."

"I don't know," Adelyn mused with a grin, "Champagne Enema has an awesome ring to it," at her mock serious expression they all laughed.

It was then that Luke saw the Steele hanging out of Clary's pocket; Adelyn having tucked hers into her shoe, determined - for a reason unknown to her - to keep it near.

"Has your mum talked to you about that?" He inquired, eyeing it.

"The heirlooms?" Clary questioned, "yeah, it's beautiful."

Just thinking about it caused the magic to pulse from within her shoe, startling Adelyn slightly.

"Clary, you're eighteen now; and Adelyn, you-,"

"-what is with you guys?" Clary interrupted, exasperated as Adelyn looked at the two in confusion, wondering what on Earth the two kept on going on about, "I'm turning eighteen, it's not like I'm heading off on some epic journey."

"But you are," Simon interjected with a large grin, coming up behind Clary, "see, we're going to Lombardi's to celebrate your birthday after our gig."

Clary giggled as Adelyn grinned with anticipation.

"You should come back here afterwards," Jocelyn proposed, gesturing around to the kitchen.

"Relax, mum, we'll be fine," Adelyn reassured her, a smirk playing upon her lips, "I'll beat up all those sleezy guys who try to touch Clary."

FAIRCHILD | Alec LightwoodOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant