Yoongi swallowed his saliva and shifted Jimin a bit so that he could flip the pages. The contract was for him to return back to the residence and run the presidency. He raised his eyebrow and looked at him.

"Alright... I'll do it."


Jungkook watched Yoongi signed the contract. He glanced at Taehyung who stood behind him.

Taehyung squeezed his arm to stop himself from trembling. He knew what was going to happen and he needed help.

"So, what do you want me to do?" Jungkook sighed.

"Bring me to see the young king."


Jaehwa rubbed her eyes to make herself more awake. She sat up on the bed and looked at herself. Messy covers on the bed and clothes on the floor.

She couldn't even believed last night happened. She didn't even know how it happened and his touch still lingered on her skin.

She was already in trouble for helping him and now... she couldn't imagine how Hoseok would react if he knew. She ruffled her hair in frustration and stopped when she heard Jin made a noise. She cursed at herself inwardly when she caused him to wake him up.

He opened his eyes slowly and took in the beauty in his sight. He smiled at her and she swore she had almost stopped breathing.

"Good morning, my queen."

Jaehwa's worry was erased away by his soft voice and just looking at his handsome face made her think everything would be okay.

"Good morning, my king," she giggled.

Jin snaked his hand through the blanket and intertwined fingers with her.

"I know I should've said this earlier but I wasn't sure. But now, I definitely am. I love you, Jaehwa."

Jaehwa smiled and leaned down to peck his lips.

"I love you too, Jin."


Hoseok came into the room and was shocked to see the two gazing at each other lovingly on the bed. He shouted at them and they hurriedly grabbed their clothes.

Hoseok rolled his eyes and stood outside of the door as he waited for the two to get ready. They came out after a few minutes. He glanced between the two and sighed.

"Let's go. Someone is waiting for you."

Jin raised his eyebrow and followed Hoseok who led him without saying anything else.


Jin immediately ran to Jimin who laid on the bed. Jimin was unconscious and badly injured. Namjoon had been treating him in Hoseok's room which was the safest room besides Jaehwa's.

"What happened?!"

"He was captured by Min."

Jin turned to look at the owner of the familiar voice. It belonged to Taehyung.

All Jungkook did was drop him off at the hospital and carried Jimin to bed. After that, he left off again as Min had called for him.

Taehyung knelt down before Jin.

"May I request for some time alone with you, your majesty?"


Hoseok had allowed Jin and Taehyung to use the separated room inside which was soundproofed. The two settled inside.

"What is it that you want to talk about?"

"Yoongi has signed a contract in exchange of letting Jimin go. However, I'm sure my father has other plans. It must've been a trap but I'm not sure."

"A trap?"

"Yes but I'm not sure what it is."

"So, Yoongi is in danger?"

"Not Hyung but you, your Majesty."

"What do you mean?"

"Father knew where you are."

"What do you mean by that?"

"It's that..."


Yoongi had a bad feeling about everything. He had been locked inside his own room since Jimin was sent to the hospital with Jungkook. He knew Taehyung had also followed along secretly. Everything seemed safe but he couldn't help but be paranoid.

He knew his father had connections to find high and low. It wouldn't take Min long to spot Jin or he could've already.

He stopped. His mind went blank as he couldn't believe it.

It was possible... no... It was his plan all along.

Yoongi tried to opened the door and banged it harshly as he called out anyone outside to open it for him. No one responded as the house was empty.

He couldn't believe he was just a fool to have thought so little of his father.

The man who had burned the entire kingdom down wouldn't just pull such low tricks on his son. It was a systematic scheme. The reason why he was trapped and the officers were at the hospital.

"He planned to bring the young king down from the start."


The fire alarm system went off all of a sudden and the lights in the building busted. The entire building was turned into total darkness.

Jin went out of his room when it happened and he heard Jimin groaning in pain.

"What is happening?" Namjoon asked as he tried to help Jimin up.

"Your Majesty, we need you out safely," Taehyung informed.

"Now is not the time to be worrying about me. There are others who are in greater danger," Jin replied as he rushed off to seek for those who were screaming for help.

The fire only affected the coloured eyed people and it sure did slowed Jin's actions down. He could feel his insides burning and he felt like his skin was being ripped off.

He ignored the pain and helped whoever he could. He was stopped by the Jung siblings. He turned to look at the two who were doing perfectly fine. His eyes then softened at Jaehwa who looked at him worriedly.

"Get out safely. We will take care of them."



Jin sighed and nodded, "I understand. I'll just help Jimin our with Namjoon. I'll meet you outside then."

He kissed her forehead and thanked Hoseok. He rushed back to the office and held Jimin up by the arm.

Taehyung showed them the way out and stayed behind.

"Why aren't you coming along?!"

Taehyung just smiled.

"Someone has to be responsible for the mess."

Fairly Insane | {K.SJ}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora