Deathbringer x reader

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Name: Anaconda
Gender: Female
You constantly wonder who your parents were but don't ask anyone about them. You also hate crowds. You are a rainwing.
You walk over to the cherry tree near your leaf hut. You pick a cherry and eat the sweet fruit, spitting out the seed. You were wondering who your parents were, again! You were so deep in thought you didn't notice the nightwing that walked up behind you. A cold talon tapped you on the shoulder. You quickly whirled around and punched the nightwing in the face. "OW!" a familiar voice shouted. Then you realised who you hit. "Oh my moons I'm sorry Deathbringer!" You said worriedly. "It's ok, I think my snout is only fractured" he joked. A thin trickle of blood came out of his nose. "I am SO sorry Deathbringer!" You apologised again. "It's ok Anaconda" Deathbringer said wiping the blood from his snout "I shouldn't have snuck up on you like that."
You took him into your hut and he cleaned himself up. "So why did you decide to come visit today?" You ask "shouldn't you be with Queen Glory, I mean you are her bodyguard and she's your girlfriend."
"Well, she-she broke up with me today. So I quit my job" he answered struggling not to cry.
"Oh... I'm sorry I asked. Are you ok?" You ask.
"I-I'm fine" he said.
"Come with me" you say to him and walk out of the hut. You take him to a hidden waterfall.
"Wow it's beautiful here!" Deathbringer exclaimed.
"I need to tell you something" Deathbringer said.
"I need to tell you something as well" you say.
"I love you" you and Deathbringer say at the same time.
You pull him close to you and wrap your wings around him.
He kisses you and you smile.

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