Chapter 4 King, Protector, Lover

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I AM SO SORRY I TOOK TOO LONG. HUHUHU BECAUSE OF THAT I MAD THIS CHAPTER LONG AND WILL BE UPDATING MORE THAN ONE TODAY! (if i finish tehee). And thank you for all your support and love. I really appreciate it and don't forget to vote! The more votes, the more frequent updates ;) ILY ALL FELLOW MARVEL FANGIRLS

The drumming began...

M'Baku and T'Challa stood in the corners opposite from each other. Their masks were on and their weapons given to them. The two leaders had their royal guards standing behind them. People were chanting, Nefretti clutched her promise ring that was around her neck, a thing she does when she's nervous. 

Normally, both king and queen should fight for the throne but Nefretti was already born with her powers making her an advantage. So it was forbidden for her to fight. The tribe of the Jabari therefore called her Khusela worshipping her as a gift sent by their ape deity."Let the challenge begin!"

"Let the challenge BEGIN!"

The two warriors walked towards each other. M'Baku swung first, T'Challa blocked his spear with his shield and continued dodging until M'Baku grew aggravated. They were turning in circles, every clash of their weapons made the drums beat louder and the crowd howl even more louder. It was when M'Baku pushed T'Challa that the crowed stopped cheering and gasped at  their leader. Nefretti finally uttered something though it was more of a scream.

"Stand up!" her brother shouted.

So T'Challa did, he was so fast that M'Baku didn't see the kick coming which sent him plunging into the water. M'Baku was as mad as a raging bull. Nefretti remembered him and his temper very well which always leads her brother to reckless. T'Challa saw it too and managed to dodge every hit until he saw an opportunity and struck M'Baku with a might force that his mask broke off revealing his bloody face. 

Nefretti stood in fear of what was about to happen."Brother!", she screamed for the second time. 

But he didn't look, T'Challa did. M'Baku pierced T'Challa's left shoulder with his spear. They both grunted, one was trying to pin the other using his spear and the other trying to take out the spear. The second one shouted in pain "I AM PRINCE T'CHALLA. SON OF T'CHAKA". He pushed back the spear and kneed M'Baku to the water. T'Challa tumbled over and began chocking M'Baku with his thighs. They were rolling to the edge of the waterfall. No one could see what was below, it was a very big drop. Nobody ever survived falling. Queen Mother and Princess Shuri was at the edge of their seats in anticipation. Nefertti rushed to the two men but was stopped by Zuri who gave her a look that she cannot interfere. T'Challa managed to drag the struggling M'Baku to the edge ofthe falls. 


"I would rather die!"

"T"CHalla! T"Challa! T'Challa!" The crowd chanted. However one sounded different. T'Challa knew exactly who it was. "T'CHALLA" his queen pleaded. He glanced at her and saw the tears flowing down Nefretti's cheeks. His stomach dropped seeing the love of his life in sorrow. 

He loosened his grip on M'Baku and said "You fought with honor, your people need you, your sister needs you." This time, it was M'Baku who looked at his sister and her tear stained. Deep inside, even though he will never admit it directly, the most important person in his life was Nefretti. M'Baku tapped T'Challa's leg three times in defeat.

The fight was over. T'Challa is king.

"I now present to you Queen Nefretti! The Khusela! And King T'Challa! The Black Panther!"


"Nefretti it's time for dinner!" 

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