Chapter 3 You Can't Really Run Away From Family

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T'Challa woke up with a smile. The events of last night played back in his mind. It had beens months since he and Nefretti were intimate. But that smile turned into a frown when he rolled back and noticed that his wife was gone. He looked at the letter on the bedside table and left. He didn't read it because he knew exactly where she was.

The sun was officially out, the warm orange sky was now replaced with a blue one with clouds floating on it. Nefretti laid down satisfied. She would never miss a Wakandan sunrise, but of course, it could never beat the Wakandan sunset. She rested her head on the ground starring up into the sky. This was her spot, on the edge of a cliff overlooking the vast plains, a place she would always go to whenever she felt lost or was just missing home. Today however, she felt both. She stopped thinking of the place she grew up in when she married T'Challa. She stopped talking to her family either. Not because she wanted to, they cut ties herself. The last time Nefretti saw her family was in her mother and father's funeral a couple years ago. Now her brother took over the tribe. Her best friend, her only family left couldn't even look at her face anymore. She was definitely lost.

"I had one of the greatest nights of my life only to have one of the loneliest mornings alone." A voice behind said.

Nefretti didn't need to look back to know who it was. "Good morning to you too T'Challa."

He sat beside her. She adjusted her position, her head was now on his shoulder. "Based from the stories you tell me about you and your brother, I know that he loved and still loves you very much. Who can't love my sweet-" He kissed her head "-adorable-" then her temple "-sexy-" then her cheek "-wife-" he stopped at her lips where she leaned it and kissed him.

"You think he'll show up today?"

"I don't know. It is a very important day for you."

Nefretti rolled her eyes at his humility "As for you King T'Challa." She teased.

Her husband winced at the title and said "I don't think I could ever get used to that."

"Well the coronation is today so better get used to it your royal highness, your majesty, ruler of the-"

"-you better stop that."

"or what?..." Nefretti challenged. She saw the look behind T'Challa's playful eyes. "...Black Pan-THER!! STOP" She couldn't contain her laughter as T'Challa leaped and locker her in his arms tickling her sides. The soon to be queen was thrashing around trying to get out of T'Challa's muscular arms. Her back was pressed against his chest. Nefretti drew her head back still laughing endlessly.

The couple didn't hear their names being called until the servant came closer. "Prince and princess the ceremony will start in two hours! You need to get dressed immediately."


The coronation ceremony was unlike anything Nefretti has ever seen. This was her first since her tribe was did not attend any celebration of festival of the seven tribes. She was mesmerized by the singing and people dancing wearing colours that represented their tribe. The fast and loud beating of the drums matched her heart rate as she descended down the steps with her husband by her side. They were wearing the traditional African attires with body paint on. Nefretti held her husband's hand tightly starring at everyone who starred back at her. "They're starring because they know that they will have the most beautiful and intelligent queen." He whispered.

"Are you ready for this T'Challa?" she swallowed a lump on her throat.

"No...but with you. I am already king." He gave her hand a squeeze.

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