Let's learn more, Izuku!

Start from the beginning

"GOODBYE CHILDREN!" All Might said as he closed door as he left.

"Ugh, this is going to be a long day," Deku said.

"At least we get a decent breakfast~," Toga said.

"Yeah sure. What if they fucking poison it." Dabi said.

"Well, at least I can finally leave this fucking hell of a nightmare!" Deku says as he chuckles to himself "And I don't have to hear this one ramble every 30 seconds." Deku says as he taps on his head with his right index finger.

"Oh my gosh we both have voices in our heads at least I know I'm not the only one~!" Toga said happily.

" I thought I told you this yesterday?" Deku said.

"Yeah you did but I forgot~," Toga said with a smile on her face.

Before Deku could talk a woman came in she had grey hair that was in a bun, a white lab coat, and pink boats. A few men came behind here which were the police just in case they did something stupid.

"Hello my name is, Recovery Girl, I am here to heal you guys up if you have any injuries." Recovery girl said.

"Ugh, I don't want to do this right now. Izuku you can do this." Deku says while rolling his eyes.

Deku closes his eyes and his eyes become brighter than before.

"Oh hi, recovery girl your quirk is so amazing. I used to do a lot of research on you pro heroes before I got kidnapped." Izuku chuckled while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Why thank you Izuku. Now you are first." Recovery girl said.

"O-okay," Izuku said.

Recovery girl walks over to him and pulls up his hoodie sleeve and looks in sadness. She sees cuts on his arms. Some scars on his arms that got overlapped from his skin. Then she moved to his legs there weren't as much but there were some cuts. Then, Recovery girl went to his neck and saw a little scar on it. Then, she went to his back and there were scars all across his back. Then, to his stomach, she saw a stab mark on his torso. She looked at him with tears in her eyes. She grabbed his hands.

"Child what has happened to you?" Recovery Girl said with her voice cracking.

"I would rather not tell," Izuku said as he put his head down.

Recovery did something that was so unexpected she hugged him. At first, Izuku was hesitant but hugged back. Then Recovery let go and went to the other two. Dabi was quite rude to her and he kept getting hit on the head with her cane. And Toga kept squirming so Recovery Girl couldn't really check her out. Then she left with a wave and the men that came in left behind her and closed the door.

"Izuku~?" Toga asks.

"Yes," Izuku said.

"Can you stay out longer today~?" Toga asks.

"Hey, Deku can I stay out a little longer than yesterday?" Izuku asks.

'Sure whatever I'm going to sleep, because these fucking heroes had to wake me up.' Deku said.

"Okay," Deku looked back at Toga, "Yeah, Toga I can. Also, you can ask me questions, because Deku is going to sleep." Izuku chirped.

" Okay, Zuzu. Tell me about yourself of what you can remember." Toga said almost jumping on her bed.

"Oh okay. I am usually very timid, self-insecure, and come out once I really trust you." Izuku said.

"How was your life before you had a quirk?" Toga asked almost immediately when he got done saying his sentence.

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