Let's learn more, Izuku!

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Hello, this is where you get to learn how Izuku feels about Deku and all of his scars that he has and they get registered into U.A. I will probably post another chapter tomorrow but no promises. Enjoy the chapter :)

Chapter 3

It was the next day and Deku woke up first again, but this time Nezu, All Might, and Eraserhead were standing there in the middle of the room. He got up into a sitting position and looked at them. He groaned at their presence. The pro heroes began to look at him with a surprised look on their faces.

"Aw, are you fucking serious. We just saw you yesterday come on do we have to see your fucking faces again." Deku said as he clawed his face.

'They are just trying to keep an eye on you.' Izuku said.

"Fuck you. Anyways what do you guys want?" Deku said in a rude tone.

"Aw why hello, Deku we are here to get you guys registered," Nezu said.

"You guys weren't fucking kidding! Damn!" Deku said.

Toga and Dabi started to stir awake from Deku's screaming and yelling. They both got into sitting positions and looked at Deku who looked annoyed.

"Hey Deky what's wrong~," Toga said.

"These bitches want us to go to a hero school," Deku said looking at Toga.

"Wait are you serious?" Toga said as her smile got a little bigger.

"YES!" Deku said annoyed.

"Yay I get to make other friends other than you two~!" Toga said.

"Do we have to go?" Dabi asked the pro heroes.

"Yes." Nezu said, "Or you will be sent to prison."

The Villains all looked at Nezu who was smiling sadistically at them. They looked at them and gulped. They would rather go to school than to prison. They wouldn't admit it, but just the thought of going to prison just gave them the shudders.

"Okay fuck it, since we don't have a fucking choice when do we register," Deku said.

"Actually that is the reason why we are here," Nezu said.

"You will have to fill out these papers and once you are done give it to us," Eraserhead said.

"Ugh fine," Deku said.

Dabi just grunted. And Toga was giggling. All Might gave them a piece of paper and pen to fill out the sheet. They also got a clipboard. They started to fill out the sheet.

"Name. Okay then, let's see, Izuku how should I do this?" Deku asked.

'Well, you should put my first name then your name in parentheses then my last name which is Midoriya, because technically this is my body so yeah.' Izuku said.

"Okay then," Deku said as he wrote it down "Quirk is fire and levitation," as he said this he wrote this down "Age is 15," Deku wrote this down "Birthday, Izuku when is our birthday?" Deku asked.

'July 15th' Izuku said.

"Okay July 15," Deku wrote this down "Okay this should do it. Hey, All Might or one of you bastards I am done. Come fucking grab it!" Deku said as he was waving his arms around with the paper.

Eraserhead scoffed before he grabbed the paper. Once he got it from Deku he gave it to Nezu. After a few minutes later Dabi and Toga got done with their sheet Eraserhead collected it and gave it to Nezu.

"Okay, now that we have your applications we shall leave you and give you breakfast." Nezu said, "We will send in a pro hero to heal any of your injuries, and Eraserhead will stay here and keep watch." Nezu said before he left out the door.

The adventure of three villains.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن